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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is an integral part of our school, where children have a voice in school decision-making. Our Pupil Parliament helps children grow into well-rounded and thoughtful individuals, shaping their character in ways that benefit them both inside and outside of school.

 As a Stoneyholme Leader: 

  • I am confident
  • I am reliable
  • I am polite and courteous to others
  • I am respectful and caring
  • I am hardworking
  • I am responsible, independent and influential
  • I am trustworthy

  • I have the right to give my opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously (UNCRC Article 13)



Pupil Leadership is an integral part of Stoneyholme Community Primary School. Children have a voice in school decision-making. Our Pupil Parliament helps children grow into well-rounded and thoughtful individuals, shaping their character in ways that benefit them both inside and outside of school.


  • To develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through key roles of responsibility and new experiences
  • To prepare our children for life in the 21st century and to develop into respectful citizens
  • To ensure the children understand how their voices can impact change
  • To educate our children on the positive contributions they can make to their school community, local area and the wider world
  • To raise aspirations for all children in school 
  • To develop children's personal development, confidence, self-esteem and self-worth


  • Pupil Parliament is divided into ten departments, with a Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minster at the helm
  • Prime Minster and Deputy Prime Minister are democratically elected through the whole school
  • Each department has a Secretary of State, voted by each department
  • Children apply for their chosen department through a recruitment process, involving application tasks and interviews 
  • Children take part in the Annual State Opening where the Secretary of State shares their pledge for their term in office
  • Each department creates an action plan linked to the School Improvement Plan
  • Each department regularly meets with their Duty Bearer to discuss issues raised by their classes and other important areas that they want to promote and improve
  • Children from Year 2 to 6 are actively involved in the way that the school is run


  • Development of leadership and responsibility
  • Improved communication and social skills
  • Enhanced emotional and social well-being 
  • Academic engagement and motivation
  • High number of children re-applying for leadership roles year on year 


Situational Report



 Pupil Voice

I like that I can help others when they need help.
Year 3 child 

I like helping Mrs Mistry with things on the board and the iPad. Helping everyone with the internet and helping with the login for freckle.
Year 5 child

I applied for Re Ambassador by drawing my version of a perfect world and I had to write why I would like to apply. I like my job because I can help my school learn about collective worship. I have achieved social skills, confidence and leadership skills.
Year 6 child


I try to be a good role model so people can copy me.
Year 3 child 


 Whole School Election

Democracy, one of our British Values, means 'rule by the people'.

In a democracy, like the UK, the people elect the and have a say in how it is run. They do this by voting in election. 

We are going to have our very own Stoneyholme School election.


Please watch the following videos and choose who you think will be the best Prime Minister for Stoneyholme Primary School. 

You will each get a ballot paper and you have to choose one candidate and place your vote in the box. Make sure you keep your vote private!













Stoneyholme's Pupil Cabinet 

Our Cabinet is made up of our elected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers. We have a Secretary of State for each of the 10 departments. 

As a team, we meet regularly to monitor action plans from each department. 


Secretary of States


Opening of State Parliament 

After being selected our Pupil Leaders took part in our Annual State Opening of Parliament Ceremony. 

This was attended by some very distinguished guests including the Mayor and Mayoress of Burnley, Oliver Ryan MP and Miss J Phythian BME. 

Each department shared their pledge of commitments during their term in office. 



Department for Inter Government Relations

Stoneyholme's School Council is a group of pupils whose main roles are to represent the views of all pupils in school, have a real say in issues that affect them and know that the opinions they put forward count.

They are also responsible for supporting the Duty Bearers (adults) in school to maintain a high standard and implement positive changes. 

Application Process- To become a school councillor, the children had to create a manifesto explaining their skills and qualities. This was videoed and shown to the class. The children were then elected through a democratic class vote. 

School Council Showcase

Action Plan 





Department for the Environment

We are the Eco Committee for our school and along with being a Green team leader, we are also the WOW ambassadors and Better Planet Crew.  

UNCRC Article 24

Our pledge during our term of office is to continue the work on helping our school become more environmentally friendly and reducing our carbon footprint. By encouraging you to recycle paper, plastic and batteries, reduce the amount of our food waste, switch off lights and taps to save energy and water and working together to improve our school environment. 

We also pledge to support you with your environmental concerns, our school actions and your class projects through the seven steps of the Eco-schools programme to achieve a Green flag Award for our school. 


To become a Green Team leader, pupils from Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 had to fill in an application form. After looking through the applications, successful pupils were then invited to an interview with the duty bearers and Green team leaders. Following the interviews, the successful applicants received a visit from either Mrs Ayres or Miss Cock to congratulate them on becoming a Green Team leader. 

Action Plan: 


Green team leaders in action


Department for Physical Health and Wellbeing

As Department for Physical Health and Wellbeing we aim to promote and inspire all children, families and staff at Stoneyholme Community Primary School to live healthy active lifestyles. 

UNCRC Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health

As Physical Contender Leads, we will promote our school and community to be...

  • Confident: taking lead roles, organising and helping others
  • Creative: approaching things with an open mind, finding inspiration and connecting ideas
  • Critical: making decisions, setting targets and evaluating our own and peer performances 
  • Risk takers: stepping out of our comfort zones to pursue new opportunities and face challenges ahead

To become a Physical Contender Lead, the children had to use equipment provided to plan a fun Sports Day task for a small group of EYFS children. Interviews then took place, where children worked in small groups to set up and deliver their chosen tasks. 

Physical Health & Wellbeing Interviews

Action Plan

Department for Mental Health and Wellbeing


Our pledge during our term in office, as Mental Health and Wellbeing ambassadors is to be good role models for other pupils and to work as a team to help children feel safe, happy and good on the inside. We will achieve this by listening to your thoughts and feelings, listening to you respectfully and allowing your voices to be heard. We will encourage and empower you to speak out using the correct vocabulary and raise awareness about topics which matter to you. 


Action Plan





Department for Justice


As Ambassadors for Justice we aim to ensure that all children learn about their rights and understand how they impact on their lives and the lives of others. We promote pupils to share their thoughts and opinions freely and know that their voice matters. We will continue to create respectful relationships and celebrate everyone’s talents and abilities. We will advocate for change around the world and strive to become responsible Global citizens

UNCRC Article 42: All children, young people and adults should know about the UNCRC. 

Application ProcessTo become a Rights Respecting Ambassador, the children had to create a video outlining the qualities that they could bring to our team. The children were then shortlisted and elected through a voting system to promote democracy.

Ambassador Pledge

Our pledge, during our term in office as Ambassadors for Justice is to ensure that all children learn about their rights and understand how they impact on their lives and the lives of others. We promote pupils to share their thoughts and opinions freely and know that their voice matters. We will continue to create respectful relationships and celebrate everyone’s talents and abilities. We will advocate for change around the world and become responsible Global citizens.

Pupil Voice

I wanted to be the Secretary of State for the Department for Justice because I think that my ideas and thoughts about respecting others and sharing ideas with my team  would be a great way to help my team and  I wanted to be a role model to my team and the school. I think the role of a Secretary of State is a very important role because you are using your voice to express the thoughts and opinions of others. It’s a big responsibility.

I wanted to become a Rights Respecting Ambassador because I wanted to learn more about rights and I wanted to teach people about their rights. I wanted to try a new challenge.

I wanted to become a Rights Respecting Ambassador because I think that everyone should know that they have their own rights and their own voice to speak and I wanted to help people realise that. This role is important because everyone should and needs to know whenever they feel they aren’t being listened to they should always know that they have the right to use their own voice. 

Action Plan

Department for Arts and Culture

Our departments group of pupils will strive to make the Arts more visual to all our pupils in school. The departments pledge

Our pledge, during our term in office, will be to make the arts more accessible to all children. The department believes the importance of equality and how it can be communicated through the expression of the arts. 

Creativity has an impact on everyone's lives and we should all have the right to individually interpret the arts.


The team has been working on the creation of a school museum, supporting the media team with podcasts, designing a display for the digital team, whilst helping out in various roles at school events. 
The selection process for the positions within the department were to initial email to our duty bearer, followed by a task - video or creation, that was then discussed at an interview. After the 3 stages successful candidates were selected. 

Department of Arts and Culture

Action Plan



Department for Technology and Digital

Action Plan

Department for Education and Levelling up


Our department comprises of representatives from across the school community. During our year of office as Reading Champions, we have pledged to:

  • Promote reading across the school by making sure that all children are able to access books that will make them want to read
  • Ensure that the school environment reflects our commitment to all children developing a love of reading
  • Provide opportunities for everyone, including parents, to be involved in a wide range of reading linked activities that will have a positive impact on our learning

In order to be appointed Reading Champion Pupil Leaders, children were invited to write a letter of application and give some of their ideas about how, as a team, we could promote reading within school. The successful candidates all demonstrated their passion for reading and commitment to inspiring all children to share that passion and be encouraged to read widely for pleasure.

During the year we will be:

  • Organising and running our termly book shop
  • Developing the school's Non-Fiction areas
  • Planning our annual Big Family Read and other Reading events
  • Helping our Duty Bearers maintain attractive and welcoming Reading areas around school
  • Suggesting and carrying out projects to promote reading for pleasure across the school 

Action Plan


Department for Faith and Communities 

Welcome to the Department for Faith and Communities

Our pledge during our term in office, as Faith and Communities is to develop interest and curiosity in Religious Education as well as promoting spiritual development through discussions and reflections. 

Our department also collaborates with Hapton Church of England/Methodist Primary School demonstrating respect for other faiths and beliefs. 

UNCRC Article 14


To become a RE Ambassador and represent the department of Faith and Communities, pupils from Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 had to complete two tasks.

The first task was to write a short statement expressing an interest in the position including why they wanted to be an RE Ambassador and what knowledge, skills, qualities and experiences they could bring to the department. 

I have good communication skills and I am a confident speaker. I can speak in front of a large audience, including people I don't know. Year 6 applicant.

I am sensible . I help people when I can. I can stand up for myself. Year 2 applicant. 

The second task involved demonstrating a good understanding of RE and required pupils to think critically about beliefs and values. 

My image of a perfect world shows that there is no fighting. People from different faiths and communities are holding hands and being friendly to others. They don't care whose hand they are holding they just care for others. Year 6 applicant. 

Once the applications and interviews were complete, the successful applicants received a visit from Mrs Heck, the Duty Bearer for the department of Faith and Communities, to congratulate them on becoming an RE Ambassador.


 Department for Media and Culture


Media plays a significant role in the school environment, influencing both students and educators. It enhances learning, fosters creativity and connects the school community. 

Our team of Media Creators are responsible for assisting with creation, management and distribution of multimedia content within our school environment. Our group of media creators will be responsible for supporting school events, communications and create projects by handling various aspects of media production. 

To become a Media Creator, children had to complete a photography, videography and audio test to evaluate their technical aptitude and creativity. After passing the ‘practical test’, children moved on to the ‘interview stage’. During the ‘interview stage’ children were tasked with working in groups where they would create and edit content of their choice. This task assessed children’s teamwork and problem solving as well as their creativity and vision.  

Successful candidates were chosen based on their: 

  • Creativity and original ideas 
  • Technical skills and willingness to learn  
  • Communication and teamwork abilities   


These children have successfully completed the application process and are now Stoneyholme Primary School's Department of Media and Culture

  • Nadia 4K
  • Haniya 4W
  • Sohail 4W
  • Bisma 5MA
  • Jawhara 5MA
  • Owais 5MA
  • Masud 5P
  • Haider 6G 
  • Maleeha 6B