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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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 Mathematics at Stoneyholme provides a tool for everyday life and a way of viewing and making sense of the world.  We aim for all children to have a positive attitude towards mathematics which will support them in using and applying their skills across the curriculum and in real life. We want all pupils to have the ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others whilst developing their understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.


I am a Stoneyholme Mathematician because… 

  • I am curious: ask questions, search for answers, efficiently recall facts and procedures and look for patterns in order to improve my understanding
  • I am a problem solver: apply reason, think logically and work systematically and accurately, connect my learning to other subjects and the world around me
  • I am articulate: confident in using mathematical vocabulary to describe and explain the strategies I have used, able to ask questions and describe the methods needed to approach a task

Curriculum Overview



Situational Report

maths subject leadership a.pdf




 At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, we will foster a passion for and enjoyment of Mathematics, where our children become enthusiastic, confident and fluent mathematicians able to articulate and transfer their knowledge to different situations and to real life.


Mathematics is a tool for everyday life and a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real-life problems.  
Whilst developing their understanding of Mathematics through a process of enquiry and exploration, we aim for all children at Stoneyholme to:

  • Have a positive attitude towards Mathematics and to investigate and appreciate the relationships which exist within the different aspects of the subject
  • Develop competence and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills and to be extended in each area of Maths in order to reach their full potential
  • Develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately
  • Develop initiative and an ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others
  • Be able to articulate their thinking using appropriate Mathematical language and to ask Mathematical questions to improve their understanding
  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics and be able to apply their knowledge across the curriculum and in real life
  • Be given regular opportunities to revisit and practise previously learned knowledge and skills to ensure these are embedded and built upon. Our children will learn more and remember more



In EYFS, we follow the statutory education programme, firmly believing that every child is unique, constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured.

Our children develop a strong grounding in number so that they have the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. In addition, they are provided with opportunities to develop their spatial reasoning skills including shape, space and measures. This is done through both group teacher taught lessons and continuous provision. When appropriate, children are provided with opportunities to reinforce their learning across other areas of provision.

At KS1 and KS2, teachers plan lessons based on the, ’Maths No Problem scheme’ but this is adapted to suit our school. Where needed, we spend more time on some areas to allow for a deeper understanding and supplement the scheme with videos, online activities and extra practise so the children become more confident and able to apply their knowledge. At Stoneyholme, we teach a wider variety of problem solving than the scheme suggests.

The Maths scheme is a mastery programme which starts with a challenge question and skills are developed over the lesson. The learning builds from a concrete understanding of concepts where children manipulate objects. When children are able to ‘see’ concepts this way, they then need to understand the same concepts represented pictorially. Once they are confident in this, they are ready for abstract representation before then being able to apply their knowledge in different situations.

Working in this way allows children at Stoneyholme to become fluent with the number system so that they are ready to begin recording formal written methods from year three.

Whilst ‘number’ is the core of our mathematical learning, the children also experience a balance of the other aspects of the subject, namely geometry, measurement, statistics and algebra.

An ability to calculate mentally lies at the heart of Numeracy.  Mental methods are emphasised from the early years onwards with regular opportunities for all pupils to develop the different skills involved.  In particular, at Stoneyholme school, the concepts of number bonds and multiplication facts are given a high priority and the children are given these to learn as homework.

As well as a daily Maths lesson, the children at Stoneyholme, spend 10 minutes daily using the ‘Freckle ‘ app. This allows them to reinforce their skills in a variety of different ways.

Maths resources are evaluated and updated as need arises. All classrooms have Maths boxes with the essential resources for each group of children and are used as and when appropriate.

All classrooms use learning walls to support the children’s learning of concepts and vocabulary.

All children have their own IPads and have access to TT Rockstars and Freckle apps to reinforce learning. These apps are also used at home.

Children record their work in the scheme workbooks. They also have access to a jotter which is used to complete extra work and to show working out. The children decide if they feel they need to do this.

All children are encouraged to take care in the presentation of their work. When using squares one square should be used for each digit.

All children are to use pencil for Maths work.

Throughout the whole curriculum, opportunities exist to extend and promote Mathematics. Teachers seek to take advantage of all opportunities and this heightens awareness that mathematical skills are relevant across the school curriculum and in the wider world.

All children take part in a Stemterprise project each year which brings together learning in Science and Maths.

At Stoneyholme, we are also fortunate to have large and varied school grounds which allow opportunities for outside learning. Orienteering enhances learning through team and confidence building activities.


Our Maths Curriculum is planned and organised to ensure progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. We use the following methods to track their progress in Maths:

  • Key questioning on previous and current knowledge
  • Marking of work in line with the school’s marking policy which allows children the chance to learn from mistakes made and guides them in how to improve further
  • Pupil discussions and talk partner work
  • Scheme reviews at the end of a block of work
  • Further summative assessments are used at the discretion of the teacher
  • Formal assessments from the Maths no problem scheme take place at the start of the year (baseline), mid -term review and again at the end of the year. These are marked electronically and then analysed by teachers and the subject leader
  • Drop ins and work scrutiny
  • Pupil interviews


Pupil Voice

I like Maths because it makes me smart.                                                                                                                                                                  Year 1 pupil
The Maths games are fun and make me happy.                                                                                                                                                     Year 4 pupil
Thanks. We had a great day and even I learned something.                                                                                                                                                                                                   A parent following the National Numeracy family fun day.



Year 4





 Year 5



Year 6 


Road map