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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Home School Agreement

The Home School Agreement explains the terms under which Stoneyholme Community Primary School, Parents and Pupils will engage.

 Responsibilities of Stoneyholme Community Primary School 

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Provide a safe, nurturing learning environment where all children are valued, respected and listened to.
  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness.
  • Monitor your child’s punctuality and attendance in line with their achievement, behaviour and wellbeing.
  • Inform you when there are concerns about your child’s attendance and punctuality.


  • Offer a cost-effective, easily accessible school uniform, which promotes a sense of pride community and belonging.

Home / School

  • Work together in constructive partnership with parents and carers for the benefit of their child.
  • Set your child regular Home Learning tasks, including reading, times tables, spellings, maths and literacy work.
  • Keep you informed of your child’s progress, learning and well-being, through meetings, open days, parents’ evenings and written reports.
  • Keep you informed about general school matters through regular communication.
  • Contact you as soon as possible if we are concerned about your child’s progress, behaviour, attendance or well-being.
  • Respond to you as soon as possible if you contact us.


  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges your child to reach their potential and fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum, meeting children’s individual needs.
  • Encourage and motivate children to always do their best and enable them to achieve their best in all areas of learning.
  • Provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities designed to enrich your child’s school experience.
  • Enable your child to understand that success and achievement can come with effort.


  • Have high expectations for work and behaviour, fostering respectful relationships and helping to develop a sense of rights and responsibilities in all areas of school life.
  • Implement positive behaviour management strategies and develop a policy that supports this.
  • Develop children socially, morally, spiritually and culturally within the school values, British Values and UNICEF’s Rights Respecting framework.

Responsibilities of Parents and Carers

Having chosen Stoneyholme Community Primary School for your child, accept the school’s aims, policies and procedures, positively supporting the school.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Make sure my child arrives at school on time, correctly dressed in school uniform and ready for the day ahead.
  • Ensure my child attends the equivalent of 32.5 hours per week including enrichment hours.
  • Avoid making general appointments for my child including dentist, GP during school hours.
  • Aim for above 97% attendance for my child.
  • Fully support the school Attendance Policy. Avoid taking holidays or days out during the school term. Seek authority from the Headteacher for any absences.
  • Contact the school each day of my child’s absence before 8:20am.
  • Make arrangements for my child’s safe journey to and from school and ensure that they are collected on time at the end of the day by an adult over 18 years.


  • Ensure my child attends school in the correct school uniform and shoes.
  • Ensure my child’s school uniform and PE kit is smart and clean.
  • Ensure my child has the correct PE kit. 

Home / School

  • Support my child to complete their Home Learning Activities - maths, literacy and spelling and regularly listening to reading, ensuring they are all completed on time.
  • Ensure that my child reads every night and that their reading record is completed, signed and returned to school.
  • Ensure that the school is informed immediately of any change to contact details.
  • Attend meetings and engage in discussions about my child’s progress, achievement and social development.
  • Read and reply to any school correspondence.
  • Ensure that no negative, personal or adverse comments about children, staff or the school are posted on any social networks or websites, including Facebook.
  • Be respectful and considerate towards all members of the school and the local community.


  • Speak to school staff about any concerns or circumstances that might affect my child’s work, attitude or behaviour.
  • Help my child to be healthy in mind and body.
  • Help my child to understand that success and achievement can come with effort.


  • Support my child’s education at Stoneyholme Community Primary School under its values and policies by encouraging high standards, a positive attitude and positive behaviour.


Responsibilities of Pupils

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Come to school every day on time.


  • Wear my school uniform and school shoes.
  • Wear the correct school PE kit.

Home / School

  • Bring everything I need to school on the day it is required.
  • Look after any books or other school property that I borrow.
  • Complete my home learning – spelling, times tables, maths and literacy, on time and return it completed to school.
  • Read daily at home and record what I have done in my reading record.
  • To talk to an adult if I am worried, sad, or have a problem.
  • Tell a teacher or someone at home if I find my work difficult.


  • Always try my best and work to my full potential in all aspects of my learning.


  • Be a positive member of our school community by following the class charter, in school, online and during enrichment. • and while on off-site activities
  • Be kind and helpful.
  • Work hard.
  • Look after property.
  • Be respectful to all adults and each other.
  • Listen to others.
  • Be honest.
  • Be polite.