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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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In Geography, we aim to inspire curiosity and a lifelong interest in the world among our pupils. Through engaging, age-appropriate geography lessons, we aim to empower children with a deep understanding of their place within the world and the interconnections of people, places, and environments.

We think like geographers through:

  1. geographical thinking: Students learn to use key geographical concepts and conceptual frameworks to make sense of the world
  2. geographical inquiry: This involves knowing how geographers work and find out information
  3. cause and consequence: Identifying and describing reasons for and results of geographical events, situations, and changes
  4. geographical analysis: Selecting, organizing, and integrating knowledge through reasoning and making sense of content
  5. fieldwork and observational skills: Using simple fieldwork techniques to study the geography of the school and its grounds
  6. data interpretation: Collecting, analysing, and interpreting data through fieldwork
  7. geographical communication: Drawing, speaking, or writing about simple geographical concepts

Road Map


Curriculum Overview

Teaching fieldwork in Geography at Stoneyholme Primary School is valuable for several reasons. It enhances students' learning experiences and fosters key skills and knowledge that set the foundations for their education and understanding of the world. At Stoneyholme we aim to provide our pupils with rich learning experiences: hands on learning and engagement, developing geographical skills, making connections with the local environment, fostering inquiry and curiosity, supporting cross-curricular learning, promoting environmental awareness, preparing for future learning and to nurture a motivated and enjoyable approach to learning through Geography.

Using disciplinary and substantive concepts is essential as they form the building blocks for understanding and exploring the world. By thinking like a geographer, pupils at Stoneyholme develop a framework for understanding Geography, develop critical thinking skills and learn through enquiry and exploration.

Situational Report

geography subject leadership.pdf



We aim to provide opportunities to develop children's sense of wonder at the beauty and scale of the world. Through studying Geography, within an inclusive manner, our pupils develop their understanding of citizenship; their knowledge and understanding of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the UK and the wider world. Geography enables our children to understand the social and cultural influences on their lives. The children discuss and reflect upon social, political, economic and environmental issues. We want to children to know more and remember more, so that they can become responsible, informed citizens. 


Our Geography topics are informed by the National Curriculum and are sensitive to children’s interests, as well as the context of the local area. Geography is a key part of our community. Our curriculum aims to stimulate interest from the children in learning about their locality as well as comparing and contrasting with other places around the world. 

Children need to see how their geography learning is relevant in the real world. By experiencing geography in the ‘real world’, children learn how individuals can positively impact on communities and across the globe. Our children need to understand that learning Geographical knowledge and skills helps them develop a sense of identify and belonging. They need to identify what makes their locality different to anywhere else and what processes can impact this, which will promote responsible citizenship with our children. We aim for children to leave Stoneyholme Community Primary School as global citizens who are aware of how they interact with the world to create innovative and sustainable change for the future.

  • Knowledge and Understanding: Our primary Geography curriculum aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the physical and human aspects of Geography at a level appropriate for their age.
  • Geographical Skills: We seek to cultivate essential Geographical skills such as map reading, data interpretation, and critical thinking to help students navigate the world.
  • Curiosity and Inquiry: We encourage students to be curious about the world and to ask questions about geographical phenomena, fostering an inquisitive spirit.
  • Environmental Awareness: Our curriculum aims to instil a sense of environmental responsibility and awareness of sustainability issues, nurturing young environmental stewards.
  • Cultural Awareness: We aim to foster cultural sensitivity by exploring diverse places and people, promoting an inclusive outlook on the world.
  • Cross curricular links: Opportunities for the development of English and Maths skills will be identified and taught through all areas of the Geography curriculum


Our Geography Curriculum is designed to develop Geographical knowledge for our children, but also to revisit key Geographical concepts and skills which have been carefully sequenced and planned to deepen understanding and encourage application and mastery of them.

We do this by:

  • Teaching Geography in half-termly blocks across both key stages
  • Integrating primary and secondary sources of evidence through the Lancashire Library Loans Service and through access to detailed maps specific to the local area. In addition to this, there are large maps of Stoneyholme grounds which have been specifically made to help navigate children’s understanding of 4 and 6 figure grid references.
  • Incorporating technology by using iPads, promoting research and enquiry skills
  • Experiencing a wide range of opportunities outside the classroom including trips, visitors and carefully planned activities within our vast school grounds
  • The use of storytelling to make characters and events relatable to learning
  • The use of fiction that brings Geography to life and non-fiction material to present factual information
  • Acting out Geographical scenarios or taking on the role of Geographical figures – including the use of technology through green-screening
  • Using visual representations such, digital mapping, google maps, Apple Maps, photographs, posters and charts
  • Fostering curiosity by asking pupils to ask questions about their local and wider world, ranging from their immediate locality of Stoneyholme, Burnley, Lancashire, England, the United Kingdom, Europe and globally.
  • Provide materials at varying levels of complexity to cater for the ability range of the class
  • Explicitly teaching subject specific/technical vocabulary
  • Pre-teaching
  • The use of ‘talk partners’ to encourage collaborative learning and discussion
  • Travel Tracker walk to school application enables children to practise fieldwork skills in the form of data collection.
  • Picture News, a PSHCE engagement powerpoint enables children to practise their locational knowledge so that they can make sense of where topical events in the world are taking place. 
  • Sustainability is taught through the Eco curriculum alongside the Geography curriculum giving children an appreciation of how humans can impact their world.
  • Children research and produce information texts about 'sustainability champions' which celebrate influential people who have gone before. Our aim is to inspire future sustainability champions.   


To monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum, we employ a number of monitoring strategies;

  • Key questioning on previous and current knowledge
  • Quizzes at the end of units, which are repeated throughout the year
  • Pupil discussions within class about their learning
  • Pupil interviews about their learning with subject leader
  • Monitoring of books, knowledge organisers, long term plans and the website
  • Assessment against National Curriculum, weekly linked to key questions on knowledge organisers and an overall judgement at the end of a unit of work  
  • Analysis of data at the end of an academic year

 Pupil Voice





Year 1

In Year 1, we used the hall to explore the size of different settlements; village, town, city and country. 

Y1 Geography-Spring 1


Year 2

In Year Two, we have been looking for the Equator, North and South Poles on a map.

We also identified the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to Equator and North and South Poles.

2F Autumn 1 Geography


Year 3

In year 3 we have used maps to locate countries, counties and cites. We have looked at human and physical features in our county and identified how they have changed over time.

3B - Autumn - Geography

Year 4

 During Autumn 2, the children have been learning about The Water Cycle. They have learnt key vocabulary and are able to explain each process using some of their learning from their Science topic 'Changing States of Matter'. 




Year 5

During Autumn 2, the children have been learning about South America. They have researched trade, climate, settlements, human and physical features and made comparisons between South America, Italy and the UK.



Year 6

During Autumn 1, the children have been learning about Earth's biomes. They have investigated where these biomes are in relation to the Earth and researched their unique characteristics.



 We have been learning about how earthquakes occur and how the devastating earthquake, and resulting tsunami of December 26th 2004, caused so much destruction around the Indian Ocean. 


