In Computing, we want our children to be prepared in an increasingly digital world and to be responsible digital citizens.
I am a Stoneyholme Digital Citizen because ...
- I understand how to use digital technology safely and responsibly
- I am kind and helpful in leading others to understand and use technology
- I am resillient and will persivere, using computational thinking to solve problems
- I am creative: creating media using different methods and applications.
Road Map
Curriculum Overview
Situational Report
computing situational report.pdf
At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, we want our children to be prepared in an increasingly digital world and to be responsible digital citizens.
- To develop computation thinking and creativity
- To build proficiency in the use of various technologies and applications
- To ensure our children develop a respectful and responsible attitude towards using information technology
- To equip children to understand and navigate confidently in an ever-evolving technological landscape
- To provide our children with the opportunities to express themselves through technology
- To develop confident, capable and creative users of technology
- To apply computing skills across various subjects and contexts
- To use technology to enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum
The EYFS computing curriculum is taken from the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme
- In EYFS our children explore their knowledge and understanding of the world through practical hands-on computing. They develop their understanding of keeping personal information private and begin to explore computational thinking and problem-solving skills through code.
- Children are given opportunities to interact with various hardware including iPads and programmable toys
- Activities are designed to be engaging and allow children to explore technology through play and guided practice
- Children are taught to use technology respectfully and safely under adult supervision
KS1 and KS2 planning is taken from the teach computing curriculum.
- Computing is taught for one hour a week in KS1 and KS2
- A sequence of lessons for each unit, which includes progression of skills and concepts in each unit and previous learning is always reviewed
- A spiral curriculum approach, where new knowledge and skills build upon previous learning
- Implementation covers the three main strands od computing : Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy
- Children use a variety of hardware including iPads and programmable equipment
- Programming skills are developed progressively, starting with simple tools and applications like bee-bots and code-a-pillars to more complex languages like scratch and swift.
- Technology is used to support learning in other subjects
- Online safety and responsible use are covered in computing and events like Safer Internet Day
- Children learn about issues including digital communications, cyberbullying, online safety and security
- Progress is tracked through formative and summative assessments, observations during lessons and verbal feedback
Our computing curriculum is planned and organised to ensure progression. Children are deemed to be EXS or GDS if they are keeping up with the curriculum. We use the following methods to track their progress in computing:
- Key questioning on previous knowledge and current
- Summative assessment at the end of each unit
- Pupil self-assessment and the end of each lesson
Pupil Voice
Year 1
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 2 - Digital Photography
Year 2 have been using digital devices to take photographs, they have been making choices when taking a photograph and considering the format and focus of an object. They have also been editing photographs by applying filters.
Year 3 - Desktop Publishing
Year 3 have been recognising that text and images can convey messages, they have been using desktop publishing applications to editing text and layouts of documents. Pupils have been adding content to a desktop publishing application and consider the benefits of desktop publishing.
Year 4 - Programming
Year 4 have been using a text-based programming language. They have identified that accuracy in programming is important, They have been creating programs that use count-controlled loops and identified that decomposing a task into smaller chunks makes programming easier.
Year 5 - Flat-file databases
Year 5 have been using tools within a database to order, sort and answer questions about data. They have used 'AND' and 'OR' to refine data selection and used charts to visually compare data.
Year 6 - Variable in games
Year 6 have been learning about the variables. They see examples of real-world variables (score and time in a football match) before they explore them in a Scratch project. Students then design and make their own project that includes variables.
Digital Leaders - Safer Internet Day