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Year 5

We are delighted to welcome you to Year 5. 

This web page will be updated with useful information and photographs of the fantastic work we have done in class and at home, so please check it regularly.

Remember Boys’ swimming is on a Wednesday and Girls’ swimming on a Thursday but we have our daily P.E. Please make sure you wear your plain, black trainers everyday.

Key Information

 Mrs Pickup is the class teacher in 5P, with Miss Brown supporting teaching and learning. 


Wednesdays - Boys will continue swimming at Pendle Wave Centre 9.30 - 11.30.

Thursdays - Girls will be swimming at Pendle Wave Centre 8.30 - 10.30


 All children in year 5 are expected to complete their homework every night. This includes:

  • reading in a quiet place for 20 minutes every day.
  • practising times tables and related division facts - all children know the ones that they need to practise.
  • spelling by logging into their Spelling Frame account.

Home Reading Bag

You can buy a Home Reading Bag from school for £3.50. 


Class Charter

In class, we have been thinking about our rights. We have started the year by thinking about Article 17, 'Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously'.

Children have shared their ideas about what responsibilities they have as Right Holders to ensure everybody can enjoy their right. We have also thought about what Duty Bearers’ (adults) responsibilities are.

We all agreed that we will uphold our responsibilities on our Class Charter. 

British Values 

As British citizens, we know the difference between right and wrong and we respect people's different opinions and choices. These are known as British Values.

In school, we promote all of the British Values:

- The Rule of Law

- Democracy

- Individual Liberty

- Mutual Respect and Tolerance

We look at a different value each week in Collective Time and we share our opinions and listen to others.




Class Timetable


Autumn 1 

In English, we will be reading, responding to and analysing a range of  legends to explore the features. We will focus in on one - The Legend of Gelert and, using what we've learned about the features, we will invent and write our own narratives based on the same plot structure.

We will be learning how to use fronted adverbials for time in our writing, such as 'All of a sudden', 'When the clock struck twelve', 'After a while', and how to punctuate sentences with fronted adverbials. 

After this, we will follow the same reading through to writing sequence and write information booklets to share our learning about the Ancient Greeks.

In our reading lessons, we will develop our comprehension skills so that we have strategies for understanding more complex texts. We will continue to read and be read to for a range of purposes across the curriculum.

In reading lessons, we will continue to develop our comprehension skills so that we have strategies for helping us understand more complex texts. We will focussing on complete texts over a number of days, practising and applying a different comprehension skill each day or every few days. We will continue to read and be read to for a range of purposes across the curriculum. 

We will be challenging ourselves to read more widely in our independent reading. This will help us to make more informed choices about what we enjoy reading and what books to choose to read for pleasure. 

In Maths, we are going to be be following the Maths No problem Scheme.

We will be learning how to:

  • read, write and comparing numbers to 1, 000, 000
  • make and understand number patterns
  • round numbers up to 100 000
  • add and subtract using formal methods
  • multiply and divide using formal methods.

In Science, we will be learning all about different types of forces and how they impact our lives. The forces we will learn about are: friction, gravity, air resistance and water resistance. 

This term our focus will be studying Ancient Greek life and achievement and their influence on the western world. 

Whilst completing this work we will explore the concept of power and how the Ancient Greeks influenced our world today.

In Computing, we are going to be learning about Online safety and how to make the right choice when using technology also looking at computer systems and how they helps us. We also explored how search engines work and how results are ranked.


In Art, we are making observations of Ancient Greek architecture, sculptures and pottery to influence our creativity.

In Year 5, our focus question for the year is: 

Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?

This half term our focus question is: 

Why is it sometimes difficult to do the right thing?

We are going to be learning what Christians believe about sin and forgiveness. We will explore how stories can contain important messages about how people should behave, and how the Bible story of Adam and Eve impacts on what Christians believe and how this is reflected in practice.

Invasion Games: Tag Rugby

We will use consistency, accuracy and control when passing and catching a ruby ball. We will apply simple tactics to outwit opponents when playing a game and make decisions on when to pass. We will also apply simple attacking and defending tactics and apply these in ruby games. Finally, we will evaluate our own and others work and suggest ways of improvement.

In PSHCE, we will be learning about Respectful Relationships and Families and People who care for us.

We will learn about the importance of treating others with respect and the importance of self respect. We will develop our understanding that families of all types can give family members love, security and stability.

British Values, Rights Respecting and Concepts 

We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning. 

Through History , we will explore the values of Power. 

We will also focus

Article 4 Making Rights Real.

How does democratic system give us our rights?

The key disciplinary concept within this topic will be:

Is power always a good thing?

and the substantive concepts -

How does a democracy offer equity to its citizens?

Does a democratic system mean equity for all?

Through PSHCE, we will be exploring the value of Individual Liberty. We will discuss the importance of looking after your health. 


5P Autumn 1 Art


Autumn 2

In English, we will be reading a class novel, 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. We will analyse the features of narrative writing and learn how to create an engaging first-person story. We will consolidate our learning on relative clauses and begin to create and use simile starters in our sentences. 

We will end the term by studying non-fiction texts to plan and create an effective discussion text about a topic related to our class novel. We will look at the features of effective discursive writing and use these to create a speech.

Children in 5P saying sentences with an embedded clause.







5P English - Autumn 2 - Writing sentences with an embedded clause.


In Reading this term we will be learning to analyze, summarize and infer from a text. We will be having a look at poems and how poets use intonation and varied techniques to add greater depth to their poems. 




Our learning this term will focus on Multiplication, Division and Statistics. The pupils will learn several approaches to multiplication and will learn how to read and analyse data presented through graphs and tables.  


5P Maths Investigating squared numbers


Investigating cubed numbers


In Science, we will continue to study Forces including water resistance and friction. We will investigate the effects of levers, pulleys and gears and continue to plan experiments that test out a hypothesis.





5P Science - Forces


This term our focus will be on South America. We will use research to learn about the physical and human features of this diverse region and we will study climate zones to understand their impact on different areas. We will end the unit by comparing three different geographical regions in terms of features, climate and location.

5P - Autumn 2 - Geography - Using an atlas to research countries within South America.


The focus of our Engineering unit this term is Fly to the Line. The children will research how planes stay in the air and will focus on the aerodynamic and streamlined features of planes. The pupils will then plan, design and make their own glider which will be put to the test to see which one flies the furthest. We will have the chance to evaluate and adapt our designs to ensure maximum flight distance and success.





5P Engineering - Fly to the line





In R.E this term we are learning about Islam. Our focus question is:

Why is the Qur'an so important to Muslims?

We will be identifying the key values of Islam and exploring the Qur'an as a guide for Muslims.


5P RE Islam


The focus of our study this term is Caring Friendships. We will consider what makes a healthy friendship and learn how to make people feel included. The children will learn how to develop strategies for recognising and managing peer influence and we will consider the effect of online actions on the wellbeing of others.


5P Autumn 2 PSHCE respect and disrespect

5P PSHCE - Peer Pressure


5P - PSHCE - Netiquette


All our children will attend a swimming session once a week this term. The pupils will also complete their daily PE exercise by running outside each morning. Our focus will be on developing stamina and lung capacity and improving our speed and running style.




Spring 1

To start this term, we will be reading Alice in Wonderland and learning about the conventions of narrative fiction writing. We will explore how characters are created and how dialogue is used by authors for different purposes. The pupils will create their own independent narrative using the conventions of imaginative writing.

Towards the second half of this term, we will learn about recount writing and the pupils will study different forms of recount writing including diaries and articles. The children will produce a recount text from the point of view of Alice. 

5P - English - Recount - Asking questions.


Maths, we will be working on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will be learning to divide whole numbers to create fractions and create mixed numbers and improper fractions when dividing whole numbers. We will learn to write, find, compare and order improper fractions and mixed numbers using a number line and pictorial methods. In addition, we will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed fractions, whole numbers and improper fractions. 

5P Maths Spring 1


We will be learning about Earth and Space.








We will be studying the ancient civilisation of the Mayans, who lived over 3000 years ago and whose cultural and practical influence can still be seen today.

5P History - Mayan￿s


In RE this half term our focus question is:

Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?

We will be exploring the concept of miracles and the significance of Jesus' miracle stories, as told in the gospels, for Christians. 

We will be exploring how the allocation of resources to communities affects individuals and groups of people. We will be developing our understanding of how to keep ourselves safe and learning how to administer some basic first aid.


 5P looking after their mental health.



In Art, we will be creating space art and using our understanding of proportion, texture and layering to produce multi-layered images of the universe.


5P Art - Earth and Space


Spring 2

This term, we will be studying the genre of science-fiction. We will read a range of science-fiction texts, watch some extracts from films and then use these ideas to create our own science-fiction text using the key features of this genre. 







We will then move on to create our own non-fiction explanation text, after reading examples of this text type. We will produce an explanation text to explain the life cycle of an animal, to link with our learning in Science.


As Mathematicians, we will be developing our knowledge and understanding on decimals and percentages and how we can use these in the real world. We will learn to read and write decimal numbers followed by comparing decimal numbers to find out which is greater, and which and smaller. We will then add and subtract decimals before turning decimals into fractions.  We will learn to compare quantities and understand that a percentage as an amount out of 100. Finally we will convert fractions to hundredths, both by expanding fractions and by simplifying them.

5P - Maths - Decimal



As Scientists,  we will be learning about living things and their habitats focusing on the differences between life cycles.

5P - science - plants



This half term, we will extend and deepen our learning on South America and focus on Brazil. We will use our research skills to investigate the types of settlement and land use and we will explore the economic activity and distribution of natural materials in this region.

In RE this half term our focus question is:

What might Hindus learn from the stories about Krishna.

We will be exploring some stories about Krishna and what they might teach Hindus about how to live their lives. We will also be learning about the Hindu festival of Holi, why and how it is celebrated and its significance for those who celebrate it. We will visit a Hindu Temple to find out how it reflects the beliefs of followers of Hinduism.


We will complete our learning about how to administer basic First Aid. We will then be exploring the concept of shared responsibilities, considering our responsibility to the environment and responsibilities concerning other people. 


Summer 1

Summer 2