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Class 4W

This web page will be updated with useful information and photographs of the fantastic work we have done, so please check it regularly.

Remember our PE lesson is on Friday but we have a 15 minute daily PE session, so you must wear your plain, black trainers everyday.

Girls will  be swimming this half term on a Monday so please remember your kits.

 Class timetable

Multiplication Tables Check

Click on the link below for information about the MTC. There is also a practice option for your to have a go under test conditions. 

Year 4, Key Stage 2, Practice Times Tables Tests (Multiplication Tables Check) (talkingtimestables.uk)

 Autumn 1

Autumn 2

As Writers, we will be exploring the ingredients of a fairytale and cooking up our very own story inspired by our text, 'Rumaysa a fairytale.'

4W English whoosh


 As Mathematicians, we will learn how to multiply and divide by 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. We will begin to understand mathematical vocabulary such as 'quotient' in relation to division. We will learn how to calculate multiplication equations using the multiplication facts that we know. We will understand the difference between sharing and grouping and we will understand the commutative law in multiplication. We will also solve problems involving multiplication and division.

As Scientists, we will be learning about the three states of matter. We will observe how different materials change states when heated or cooled. We might even do a little cooking here! We will then apply our Science learning to explain the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. 

4W Science Cooking



As Historians, we will be continuing our learning about, 'The Romans'. We will find out about how they settled into Britain and how they lived. We will also learn about the impact the Romans had on Britain through engineering, culture and language. 




As Theologians, we will be looking at the morals behind some of the parables that Jesus told and how Christians in the 21st century apply these to their everyday lives. 

As Citizens, we will be learning and reflecting on how to keep ourselves safe in different situations, including,  Bonfire night, in the dark and during icy weather. We will being able to recognise peer pressure and strategies to manage this, positive family relationships and knowing when and how to seek support when feeling lonely or excluded. 

4W Voting


As Artists, we will learn to represent distance through drawing and shading. We will use wash techniques to produce an atmospheric background and finally create a painting, inspired by Casper David Friedrich based on our learning in English, Rumaysa a fairytale.

Year 4 Art


Spring 1

As writers, we will be creating a tri-fold leaflet for the British Museum, on aspects of Anglo- Saxon life.

In order to practice the skills required, we will be researching both Roman and Anglo- Saxon life, identifying relevant text details from information texts, constructing quality topic sentences, using fronted adverbials for when and using text type features (heading, subheading, text boxes, rhetorical questions and diagrams). Check regularly to see some of the fantastic work year 4 will be producing.

4W Spring 1 writing


As mathematicians, we will be further developing our understanding of multiplication and division. We will learn how to divide and multiply by 1 and 0 and understand the law of commutativity. We will learn how to multiply three numbers together using prior knowledge of multiplication tables.

We will use our tables and knowledge of place value to multiply multiples of 10, leading to the multiplication of 2-digit numbers using short multiplication. We will be using our knowledge of multiplying multiples of 10 when multiplying multiples of 100, leading to multiplying 3-digit numbers using short multiplication.

We will learn more about division and will divide 2-digit numbers using two methods, including numbers with remainders. We will learn to solve multiplication and division problems using the methods we have learned and will use bar models to visualise what the problem is asking us to do. 

After we  will learn how to interpret picture graphs and bar graphs. We will begin to learn about  line graphs and how they are used to measure change over time. We will interpret line graphs and use information collated in a table to draw a line graph. And we will make predictions based on trends identified in data.


As Scientists, we will combine Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in order to grow our own ingredients, develop our own food products, set up a farm shop business and calculate with money in an engaging, real‑life context.

As Historians, we will be learning about aspects of Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons: social, ethnic, cultural or religious. We will select and organise information to explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today. 

As Theologians, we will be learning about the Holy Month of Ramadhan for Muslims around the world ;how they show commitment in their daily lives to their Lord Allah, especially in the month of Ramadhan. 

 As Citizens, we will  be learning how to develop our growth mindset and re-frame unhelpful thinking, maintain good oral hygiene and treat common illnesses and  maintaining good hygiene routines. 



Spring 2

As writers, we will be writing a narrative based on The Last Bear for our fiction unit. We will develop a setting and characters to write our own story opening. In our non-fiction unit, we will be creating a documentary, inspired by the themes in The Last Bear, which will include global warming and climate change.  This documentary will include, explanation, persuasion and poetry.

4W Book Week


As mathematicians, we will be looking at different ways to tell and record time, use decimals and solve problems involving money.

As Scientists, we will research and explain how humans are endangering animals. We will describe how changes to an environment could endanger living things.

As geographers, we will be using our locational knowledge to identify where in the world volcanoes are located. We will learn about the key parts of a volcano and what happens when one erupts.

As engineers, we will be reproducing a scene from the Bayeux Tapestry using our sewing skills.

As theologians, we will be finding out about the significance of Lent and Holy Week in the Christian calendar. 

Linked to the themes we will learn about in other curriculum areas, we will be thinking about how we, as individuals, can help protect our environment. 


Summer 1

Summer 2