This web page will be updated with useful information and photographs of the fantastic work we have done in class and learning outside the classroom, so please check it regularly.
Remember our PE lesson is on Wednesday but we have a 15 minute daily PE session, so you must wear your plain, black trainers everyday.
Key Information
Miss Broadleday is the class teacher in 3B, with Miss Mahboob and Mrs Bibi supporting teaching and learning.
All children in year 3 are expected to complete their homework every night. This includes:
- Reading in a quiet place for 20 minutes every day.
- Practising times tables and related division facts - all children know the ones that they need to practise.
- Spelling by logging into their Spelling Frame account.
Class Charter
In class, we have been thinking about our rights. We have started the year by thinking about Article 17, 'Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously'.
Children have shared their ideas about what responsibilities they have as Right Holders to ensure everybody can enjoy their right. We have also thought about what Duty Bearers’ (adults) responsibilities are.
We all agreed that we will uphold our responsibilities on our Class Charter.
British Values
As British citizens, we know the difference between right and wrong and we respect people's different opinions and choices. These are known as British Values.
In school, we promote all of the British Values:
- The Rule of Law
- Democracy
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance
We look at a different value each week in Collective Time and we share our opinions and listen to others.
Class Timetable
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
We will be reading some Traditional Folk Tales, responding to them using prompts to help us, and identifying their features. Our key text is The Greenling by Levi Pinfold and we will use the plot pattern to write our own stories.
Following on from this fiction Unit, we will be learning how to write a first person recount in the form of a letter. We will read and analyse letters in order to plan our own versions based on the experience of William in the story The Night Gardener.
In Maths, children will learn the multiplication and division of 3, 4 and 8. They will then get to use their experience of multiplication and division to solve word problems.
3B Maths - Autumn 2
As Scientists, we will be learning about the life cycle of flowering plants and will investigate what plants need in order to survive. We will observe the parts of a flower and identify the part they play in producing new plants.
3B Science - Autumn 2
As Geographers, we will be learning about the county of Lancashire. We will be using our research skills to identify, describe and compare key physical and human features. We will learn how to locate these features on a map.
As Theologians, we will be investigating how and why some people served God. We will consider why the idea of serving others is important to many Christians and look at the importance of service and sacrifice in Christian life.
As Engineers, we will be joining and combining sheet materials using varied techniques. We will design, make and evaluate a catapult that can launch an object.
3B Engineering - Aut 2
As Citizens, we will be exploring and reflecting on Self Respect and Relationships. We will learn what respectful behaviour looks like, both towards others and ourselves.
3B PSHCE Visit - The Power of Words
Spring 1
This half term pupils will be exploring the key features of a non-fiction explanation text based on the lifecycle of a flowering plant. Pupils will be able to write their own explanation text by writing about the cause and effect. Pupils will understand the use of use of headings and subheadings and how to implement these using complex sentences in to their writing piece.
This half term pupils will be looking at a variety of poems. They will select a poem and perform it with intonation, tone and volume.
3B English - Spri 1
In Maths, children will look at length in metres and centimetres before moving on to kilometres. We will be able to convert different units of measurement as well as compare different lengths.
As Scientists, we will will be learning about magnets and different forces. Children will explore comparative and fair testing.
3B Science - Spri 1
As Historians, we will be travelling back in time to the Stone Age. Pupils will be exploring the similarities and differences in the way that people lived. Pupils will be able to create a timeline of events from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.

3B - Spri 1 - History
As Theologians, we will be exploring why the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) is an example for the Muslims. Children will be able to explain how Muslims follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) and the importance of charity within Islam.
3B - RE trip - Spri 1
As Artists, children will be exploring expression through the works of William Morris.
3B -Spri 1 - Art
In PSHCE this half term, pupils will be learning about the relationship between rights and responsibilities. Children will identify what rules are and the consequences of not adhering to rules and laws.
3B Spri 1 - PSHCE
Spring 2
In English we will be planning and writing a narrative based on the story of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Children will be dissecting different narratives to enhance their understanding of the format of a narrative, specifically focusing on the setting, powerful adjectives and verbs.
Following on from this, pupils will be creating their own recount diary based on the Iron Man. Children will be able to orally re-tell the story of the Iron Man and plan a letter to a relative telling them about their encounter. Pupils will identify the main features of a diary entry through the use of noun phrases, adverbs, and conjunctions.
As Mathematicians, we will consolidate previous learning on recognising different denominations (both notes and coins) and the simple addition and subtraction of money. We will apply new knowledge to solve word problems using bar modelling as a key strategy.
3B Spri 2 - Maths
As Scientists, we will compare and group rocks based on their appearance and physical properties, giving a reason. We will also look at fossils and describe how they are formed.
3B Spri 2 - Science
As theologians, will learn about people who became disciples and suggest why they decided to follow Jesus. We will also describe the work of The Salvation Army and identify how this work is an expression of their Christian beliefs.
3B - Spring 2 - RE
As Historians, we will be travelling back in time to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We will be exploring the similarities and differences in the way that people lived. We will create a timeline of events from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
3B Spr 2 - History
As Engineers, we are going to create a range of savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques. We will cook ingredients, controlling temperature of the oven and hob with adult supervision.
As citizens, we will recognise what a healthy diet is and the benefits of nutritionally rich food. We will also identify who and what influences us in making choices on what we eat and drink.