Class 1R
Welcome to our new class page.
Mrs Rycroft will be updating this page with useful information and photos of the wonderful work you do, so please check it regularly.
Remember our PE lesson is on Tuesday, but we have a 15 minute daily PE session, so you must wear your plain, black trainers everyday.
Class Timetable
Autumn 1
Do we have an awareness of how to stop germs from spreading?
How did Noah express his trust in God’s promise?
1R Aut1 RE
Can we investigate if our feet are bigger than our head? How will we know?
1R Aut1 Science
English & Science
To be able to gather information about animals so we can talk like experts.
1R Zoolab visit
Autumn 2
We will be reading stories with repeating patterns, making predictions, identifying and discussing main characters and events and sharing our thoughts about what is said and done. We will also be reading non-fiction books to gather information in order to hep us ask and answer questions about events that have taken place in the past. In our writing, we will be using question marks and capital letters for names. We will write information texts with simple text type features.
1R Aut2 English
As mathematicians, we will explore the place value of numbers up to 20. We will continue to build on our knowledge of calculation using addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20. We will also use language of position and direction. Please help your child at home by using the words in front of, behind, next to, right and left.
1R Aut2Maths
As scientists, we will use research to find out about different groups of animals. We will identify their features and use this information to classify them.
1R Aut2 Sci
As historians, we will research the events of the Great Fire of London to understand why it is still significant. We will explore the causes and consequences that have brought about change in the United Kingdom today.
Why is the Great Fire of London still significant today?
We learn to be safe. (Rumaisah) We learn about things that happened in the past. (Fatima) We can be protected. (Ahsan)
As theologians we will identify and discuss the main characters and events in the Nativity. We will explore the similarities and differences between Christmas cards and gifts when we identify the religious aspects of the Christmas celebration.
As engineers, we will investigate fastening and strengthening materials using hinges and linkages. We will design, make and evaluate a product using the skills we have developed.
1R Engineering Aut2
This half term, we will explore what a good friendship is and recognise when someone feels lonely and what to do. As part of our learning about respectful relationships, we will learn about unkind behaviour including bullying (online and offline), how others feel and how we can treat ourselves and others with respect.
Spring 1
This half term, we will share poems together and discuss our opinions, giving reasons for our choices. We will perform our innovated poems for each other and Mrs Davison. Along with this, we will continue to share stories together, identifying and discussing the main characters and events and making predictions about what we think will happen. We will write stories based on familiar plots using similar openings and endings. Please continue to help your child at home by reading a range of poems and stories together.
Freeze frame 1R
As Mathematicians, we are learning about shapes and patterns, length and height. Along with this we will learn about number and place value with numbers up to 20 including addition and subtraction word problems.
As scientists, we will name and describe the properties of everyday materials. We will use this knowledge to group materials based on what they are made from.
1R - Materials
As geographers, we will continue to develop on our knowledge of settlements to understand the geography of the United Kingdom. We will learn the names of the four countries, capital cities and surrounding seas.
Y1-Y1-Geography- Exploring the similarities and differences of countries and cities.
As theologians, we will consider how belief about Creation might affect the way people treat the world. We will make links with our learning in PSHCE as we consider our responsibilities as Global Citizens.
As artists, we will continue to develop our knowledge of lines and marks by making patterns using a variety of objects and tools. We will take inspiration from Anni Albers.
1R - Printing
This half term we will consider our responsibility to take care of our environment and learn about whose responsibility it is to take care of us. We will also learn about keeping ourselves safe when crossing roads.
Year 1-1R-PSHCE
Spring 2
As mathematicians, we will be exploring numbers to 40 in a variety of ways. We will be finding one more and one less and looking at number patterns. As the sequence progresses, we will start comparing numbers and looking at number patterns. Along with this we will start to explore fractions and division!
1R - Maths spring 2
In English this half term we will be looking at the narrative 'Peter Rabbit'. We will be exploring 2 great authors who are Beatrix Potter and Debi Gliori. We will also be writing our own innovated stories and creating information leaflets/booklets/posters. We will be exploring different poems and creating character profiles for some characters in 'Peter Rabbit'.
Please continue to help your child at home by reading a range of poems and stories together.
Beatrix Potter Role Play
Peter Rabbit Word hunt
Peter Rabbit tea party
1R - Tea party
As scientists, we will be exploring a range of garden plants and common wild plants. We will then go onto exploring a variety of fruit and vegetable plants using a range of resources to help us gather new information!
1R - Planting
As historians, our main focus will be all about chronology, which is the order in which events happen. We will be using a range of sources to ask questions and looking at how Burnley High Street was in the past and now the present, We will also be enquiring and interpreting information using a range of sources!
1R - Transport timeline
As theologians, Our religion focus this half term will be Christianity. We will be learning about 'belonging' and what this means to Christians and what we believe it means to belong to a family!
As engineers, our focus this half term will be cooking. We will be developing the use of food vocabulary using taste, smell, and texture. We will design, make and evaluate a food product using the skills we have developed by following instructions, working safely and looking at the importance of hygiene when cooking.
Fruit tasting
1R - Fruit tasting
Making our fruit salad