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Please complete questions 13 - 24.

sats 2018 paper 1 arithmetic.pdf

Adapted Teaching




Adapted Teaching

2d shapes.pdf


Have a look around inside and outside for some of these shapes. Use your iPad to take some photographs. 

chapter 1 2 the london eye mystery.pdf


Wednesday 5th March

LC: To develop strategies for recognising and managing peer influence.

Peer Pressure Thinking Cards


Wednesday 5th March

LC: To use evidence from a range of extracts to build impressions of characters


Mia stepped into the classroom, her bright green eyes darting around nervously. She clutched her notebook tightly to her chest, her fingers twisting the corner of the cover. Her wild curls bounced as she walked, and her shoes made the faintest squeak on the polished floor. She kept her head down, but every few seconds, she glanced up, as if checking to see if anyone was watching her.

My impression of Mia is... because in the text it says that...


Liam crept along the corridor, his footsteps as light as a cat’s. He held his breath as he reached the teacher’s desk, his fingers hovering over the shiny drawer handle. A quick glance over his shoulder—no one was watching. A sly grin flickered across his face. Carefully, he eased the drawer open, not making a sound. His eyes gleamed as he spotted what he was looking for.

My impression of Liam is... because in the text it says that...


Emma stood her ground, her fists clenched at her sides. The wind howled around her, but she didn’t flinch. The others had stepped back, their eyes wide with fear, but not Emma. She lifted her chin, staring straight ahead. Her heart pounded, but she wouldn’t let it stop her. “I’ll do it,” she said firmly, her voice steady.

My impression of Emma is... because in the text it says that...


Jake strolled into the classroom, his shirt untucked and his shoelaces trailing behind him. He slumped into his chair, sending his books sliding to the floor—not that he noticed. “Oops,” he muttered, but he made no effort to pick them up. Instead, he leaned back, balancing on two legs of his chair, chewing absentmindedly on the end of his pen. When the teacher called his name, he blinked. “Huh? What page are we on?”

My impression of Jake is... because in the text it says that...

Adapted Teaching

Name: Lily the Explorer
Looks: Lily has curly brown hair. She has big green eyes and a happy smile.
Clothes: She wears a yellow t-shirt with a red star, blue shorts, and red trainers.
What she has: A small green backpack with a flag and a spade.
What she likes: Lily loves looking for bugs, leaves, and rocks.
How she stands: She is looking on the floor for a small flower.

