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Please complete questions 1 - 12.

sats 2018 paper 1 arithmetic.pdf



LC: To find the volume of cuboids

When you have finished, there are several tasks for you to complete on Freckle.

Tuesday 4th March

LC: To make predictions.



R - Where did the cub go to for a drink?

IWhat does the word them refer to in the first sentence?

C - Find and copy one word or phrase which shows that the cub was used to that particular trail.


Tuesday 4th March

LC: To provide justifications for your views.


What does 'impression' mean?

An impression is something that you think about someone or something without the text telling you exactly. When asked for an impression you might give an adjective as an answer, or an expanded noun phrase or a group of words which explain an adjective.


Now complete the following questions independently.




Using the text below, come up with your own impression question about a character and answer it.




Tuesday 4th March

LC: To understand the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians


How the pyramids were built

If you want to use your iPad to research on different websites, please make sure that you add KS2 to the end of your search.