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Monday 3rd March

LC: To explain how the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus might help Christians during difficult times.

Christians believe that the resurrection proves that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) and the Son of God. Everything he said and did was true. They also believe that the resurrection means Jesus is still with us and is guiding us every day.



Jesus’ incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection

As God incarnate, Jesus was able to perform miracles & these miracles demonstrated that he was God & gave a glimpse of heaven. One of the main purposes of Jesus’ incarnation was to die & take punishment for human sin. Jesus was crucified & suffered pain which means that Christians believe that God can understand human suffering as he experienced it. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion which demonstrates power over death. It is also evidence that Jesus was God incarnate as no other human is able to do this. The resurrection gives Christians hope that they too will be raised to life after death in heaven with Jesus. Forty days after the resurrection, the book of Acts records that Jesus returned to heaven. Some Christians believe Jesus literally returned to heaven and others see the event as symbolic, representing Jesus’ success of good over evil. The ascension signalled the end of his life and work on earth but his work in heaven continues.

The most important day in the Christian year is Easter Sunday, when Jesus was raised to new life. Because of this, Christians made Sunday their Sabbath (holy day).

Through resurrection, Christians believe life has triumphed over death, good over evil, hope over despair. The resurrection is a sign of God's great power. Nothing is too great for God to achieve, and this is comforting and encouraging for Christians in difficulty.

Jesus' death and resurrection open the possibility of eternal life with God for all people. Death is not something to be feared. It is a gateway into a new and richer life. This is a comfort to Christians facing death or grieving the death of loved ones. They believe separation is not final. Those who have died are with God.

Christians believe that when they are they share in the resurrection of Jesus and so are brought into a new relationship with God. They show this in their actions by being kind and loving.

How does the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus help Christians during difficult times in their life?