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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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LC: To be able to multiply 1-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by 1-digit whole numbers, with regrouping.



LC: To be able to divide a 1-digit number with up to two decimal places by 1-digit whole numbers, without regrouping.

R - Who did Auggie want to dress up as on Halloween?

I - How did Auggie feel when he found out that he was allowed to dress up for Halloween? Explain.

C - When Summer talks, especially when she's excited about something, her eyes squint like she's looking right at the sun. What does the word 'squint' mean in this sentence?

            narrow one's eyes         open one's eyes           to cry


Tuesday 21st January

LC: To investigate shadows to understand why they are the same shape as the object that casts them
