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6G - Please complete your spelling test on Spelling Frame for Register Work.




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L.S. Lowry Biography






The triangular trade was the three-legged route that made up the Atlantic slave trade. The trade traffic flowed to and from three general areas on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. These areas form a rough triangle when viewed on a map. They were in Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

The Atlantic slave trade began in the early 1500s. It was made illegal in England in 1807 and in the United States in 1808. However, the slave trade continued illegally until the late 1800s.

The Outward Passage

The first stage of the triangular trade started in Europe. A typical trade route began in Liverpool, England. A ship would leave Liverpool with a cargo of manufactured goods, such as textiles, metals, firearms, linen, and alcoholic beverages. The ship would sail to the west coast of Africa. People from the interior of Africa were often captured and taken to the coast bordering the Gulf of Guinea. This area was called the Slave Coast. There the goods from the European ship would be traded for Africans who were enslaved.

The Middle Passage

The next stage of the triangular trade was the voyage from Africa to either Brazil or a Caribbean island. This trip was known as the Middle Passage. The ships were overcrowded, with enslaved men, women, and children chained to each other or to platforms. They were unable to stand or turn over, and many enslaved people died in this position. Captives faced constant danger, including disease, starvation, and abuse. It has been estimated that between 10 and 20 percent of the enslaved people on the ships died during the Middle Passage. After the journey across the Atlantic Ocean, the enslaved Africans were sold at auction and taken to work in fields and homes throughout the New World.

The Homeward Passage

The captain of the ship would take the money made from the sale of the enslaved people and buy goods, such as sugar, tobacco, molasses, or other produce. He would fill the ship with the goods and sail back to Europe. There the cycle would begin again. The third side of the triangle also included trade between the North American colonies and Europe. The colonies provided the raw materials that the Europeans needed to make the goods that they would then ship to Africa. Also, in return for sugar, tobacco, molasses, and other items from North America, Europe would send manufactured goods and luxury items to the colonies.










 Note the rules in your spelling journals: 

  • The ‘r’ is doubled if the ‘-fer’ is still stressed when the ending is added’
  • The ‘r’ is not doubled if the ‘-fer’ is no longer stressed














