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Charles Darwin




Early Life and Education

Thursday 15th November


Events to order

Stone Age Britain - 900,000 - 2300BC

Ancient Egypt - Old Kingdom 2700BC - New Kingdom 1075 BC

Mayans - 2000BC

Ancient Greece - 1200BC - 323BC

Iron Age Britain - 500BC - 43AD

Anglo Saxons in Britain - 410AD - 1066

First Viking invasion of Britain - 793AD

Roman invasion of Britain - 43AD

Pendle Witch Trials - 1612

Towneley family in Burnley - 1635

Great Fire of London - 1666

The Industrial Revolution in Britain - 1760 - 1840

Lady Alice Towneley 1846 - 1921

The Victorians - 1837 - 1901

Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Expedition - 1911

Tim Peake's journey to Space - 2015