Wednesday 19th March
LC: To be able to round decimals to the nearest whole number.
To be able to round numbers to the nearest tenth.
Wednesday 19th March 2025
LC: Know how the authors’ choice of language affects the reader.
Authors use particular words and phrases to have an effect on the reader, helping them to engage with, enjoy and imagine what is happening in stories.
For example: What does 'Scowling, Sarah stormed off and slammed her bedroom door. 'Tell the reader?
p.29 - Which words/phrases tell you the wolf left Tsar Alfron’s palace in a hurry?
Your turn:
p.29 - How did the servants react when they could not find Princess Helena in the morning. Which words tell you this?
What mood is created by the author at the end of the chapter? What words/phrases does the author use to create this mood?
Extension: Choose one word or phrase from this chapter that you think the author has used particularly successfully. What impact does the word/phrase have on the reader?
Wednesday 19th March 2025
Community Responsibility
LC: Know how to carry out our shared responsibility to care for the environment.
All life on Earth depends on the environment. The natural resources that come from the environment include food, water, plants, and minerals. Sustainability is the idea that humans must interact with the environment in a way that ensures there will be enough resources left for future generations.
There are now more than seven billion people on Earth. These billions of people use the planet’s resources every day. Human activity has harmed the environment in many ways. Some of the resources that people use cannot be replaced once they are used. People also use huge amounts of fossil fuels, which has led to pollution and other problems. Sustainability addresses ways to protect and conserve the environment.