Friday 21st March
LC: To be able to convert values of an amount into percentages and decimals.
To be able to convert simple fractions into percentages and decimals.
LC: To describe the process of reproduction in plants.
Plant Life Cycles
Every flowering plant starts life as a seed. With the right amount of warmth from sunlight, air and moisture (water), a seed starts to germinate. It grows more leaves and a longer stem or stalk and eventually becomes an adult plant.
The major stages of the flower life cycle are the seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages.
Plants are able to reproduce in two different ways - sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction involves pollen from one flower fertilising the egg of another to produce a seed.
Only one parent is needed in asexual reproduction and the offspring are exact copies.
BBC - How do flowering plants reproduce?
Parts of a flowering plant powerpoint