Monday 10th March
Grammar Warm Up
LC: to select the appropriate adverb to show degrees of possibility
Add one of these adverbs of possibility that will complete the sentence in a suitable way.
undoubtedly definitely
possibly probably
a) Blackpool is __________________ a great place for a holiday.
b) I think he lives near us but I'm _____________________________ wrong.
c) Look at those black clouds! It is __________________________ going to rain.
d) I'm not sure if we can go to the wedding but ________________________we will make it.
LC: to explore a range of poetry and explain the effect of the poet's choice of language
'Poetry is the best words in the best order.'
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1827
Let's look at some poems with space and Science Fiction themes (ideas) to help us with language choices for our descriptions.
After reading, let's think about our response:
Now, let's think about this poem and our responses:
Monday 10th March 2025
LC: Infer characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justify inferences with evidence.
What are the wolf’s first impressions of Ivan? What makes you think that?
Why do you think Ivan touched the cage even though he had been warned not to do so?
Is the wolf physically fit? How do you know?
Is Ivan physically fit? How do you know?
Monday 10th March 2024
LC: Use a dictionary to check the spelling of words.
Set the timer on your iPad. How quickly can you find in a dictionary and write down the correct spelling of each of these words? Write your time under the words.
definately intresting speshul enuff
nineth tomorow favrite diffrent
evry hav pepole receive