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Wednesday 5th March


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to recognise adverbs of possibility and their function

Let's read these sentences out loud.

When you hear the adverbs of possibility, clap out the syllables for that word.




LC: to identify key features of the openings of Science Fiction stories 

Let's practise the oral text map to help us memorise what good Science Fiction writing  looks like.

Look again at the opening to the Alien story. 

What features of Science Fiction writing can you see in this opening?

Highlight 3 and discuss with your talk partner.

We are going to create a toolkit for a build-up opening of a Science Fiction story. 

We will use the oral text map paragraph as an example of effective Science Fiction writing.



- What are the features of Science Fiction writing?

- What grammar and vocabulary could be used to create effective Science Fiction writing?


 Let's read some more examples of Science Fiction writing so we can learn more about how good writing is built and created.

Text 1


Text 2

Text 3






Wednesday 5th March 2025

LC: Justify opinions using point, evidence and explanation.

Wednesday 5th March 2025

LC: Know what responsibility means in different contexts.