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Tuesday 4th March

Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify the function of adverbs of possibility

What is an adverb? What is its function in a sentence?

Tell your talk partner.

Which of the adverbs of possibility is the strongest?


LC: to orally retell the build-up of a story through learning a text map


Miss Reid has heard that Year 5 are exploring the Science Fiction genre and is super excited!

The headteacher of another school has asked Miss Reid if she could recommend some Science Fiction stories for children in Year 4 to read. 

She knows you have produced some fantastic pieces of writing this year and would like to send some of your stories!

 We are going to plan for our next narrative write.

Discuss with your talk partner:

- what is the purpose? (why are you writing?)

- who is the audience? (who are you writing for?)



Let's complete the PALS grid.


We are going to become

amazing, expert Science Fiction writers

by learning more about the language and structure of a Science Fiction story. 

How would a writer build up excitement in a Science Fiction story?

Think of three ways a writer could do this and tell your talk partner.

Let's look at the opening to a Science Fiction story to see how the writer builds up excitement.


Let's read together the first two paragraphs together.

Look at the oral text map for part of this story.

Do you know which paragraph is being shown here?



LC: To be able to order and compare decimals.

LC: To be able to compare and order decimals.

Tuesday 4th March 2025

LC: Retrieve and record information from a fiction text.

Reread Chapter 1 of The Firebird story.

As we are reading, what should we be doing to help us understand the story?




What strategies can we use to find specific information in a text?

Now let's use these strategies.

Who was allowed to pick apples from the tree?

Why was Dmitry quick to offer to catch the thief?

Why did Dmitry fall asleep so quickly?

Why did Vasily bring his fruit and nuts and treats along for his night watch?

Tuesday 4th March March 2025

LC: Know what guidance Hindus might find from the stories of Krishna.

What have we already learned about Hindu beliefs?


Did you remember?

*  Hindus believe in one God (Brahman) who can be worshipped in many forms. 

*  These forms (the deities) have different qualities and are portrayed in different ways.

*  Hindus believe that it is important to show devotion to the deities.

*  Hindus might worship at a Mandir and/or the home shrine using special symbolic objects.

*  How and why Hindus might celebrate Raksha Bandhan. 

*  Aspects of the celebration which remind Hindus of their dharma (an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law).

*  How stories might be used to teach Hindu children about dharma.

We are going to explore what guidance Hindus might find from the stories of Krishna.

Krishna is believed to be an incarnation (avatar) of the God Vishnu. His role on earth is to protect and preserve his devotees.

Read each story, then write down what guidance you think Hindus might think it gives them about how they should live their lives.

Krishna's Foster Home
Krishna and Putana

Krishna and Arishthasura

Krishna Kills Kamsa

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

During the month of Ramadan, we are going to be taking the "30 days of gratitude" challenge. This means that for 30 days straight, we will take some time each day to think about and say thank you for the good things in our lives, like our families, friends, toys, food or even just a sunny day - it's like a special challenge to notice all the things we are grateful for every single day for a whole month!. 
Key points:
  • What is gratitude? It's feeling happy and thankful for the good things you have. 
  • How to practice gratitude:
    • Think about it: Each day, take a moment to think about something you're grateful for. 
    • Say it out loud: Tell someone you appreciate them, like your parents, siblings, or friends. 
    • Write it down: You can keep a "gratitude journal" where you write down things you're thankful for every day. 
Why is "30 days of gratitude" important?
  • Makes you happier:
    Focusing on the good things in your life can make you feel better and more positive. 
  • Helps you be kind:
    When you appreciate what you have, you're more likely to be kind to others. 
  • Builds good habits:
    Practicing gratitude every day can become a habit that makes you feel good.