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Monday 3rd March 

Grammar Warm Up 

LC: to edit and improve a relative clause with omitted relative pronoun

 Read these sentences written by a Year 6 pupil.

The pupil is trying to omit the relative pronoun from a relative clause and still have a sentence that makes sense.

Edit and improve the sentences.

1. My dad, is a banker, works in Manchester.


2. Nurf, is an alien, appeared on Luke's bed.


3. Mum, was racing downstairs, was horrified by the mess. 


-What error has the pupil made? 

- What have they forgotten to omit as well?

- What extra information does the pupil include in each sentence?


LC: to use effective expanded noun phrases in a character description


Let's read the text together. As you read, highlight any expanded noun phrases you see.

Tell your talk partner about the expanded noun phrases you found.

Can you guess the meaning of the unknown words?

Look at the noun tower below. 

How has the writer built an exciting, complex sentence?

What has the writer added to the noun?

We are going to use the noun tower to create a success criteria for character description. 

Create your own character description of ET.





The Flower

Monday 3rd March 2025

LC:  Use a dictionary to find the correct spelling of words.

Use your dictionary to check which is the correct spelling in each group of words.

Remember strategies for finding the words quickly.

Write the correct spelling in your book.

Now practise your new Words on Spelling Frame.


Ramadan 2025

The Holy Month of Ramadan began after the sighting of the new moon on 28th February. The first full day of Ramadan was 1st March.


Children in Year 5 are too young to fast for the whole month of Ramadan. In what other ways can we show self-discipline and compassion for others less fortunate than ourselves?