Tuesday 25th February
Grammar Warm Up
LC: to identify relative pronouns in a sentence
Read the sentences below and discuss with your partner:
- Which words have been underlined?
- What differences can you see between sentences 1 and 2?
1. That is the house which my cousin lives in.
2. That is the house my cousin lives in.
1. My friend, who is called Adam, moved to London last week.
2. My friend called Adam moved to London last week.
1. A doctor is a person who looks after people’s health.
2. A doctor is a person looking after people’s health.
LC: To identify examples of the Science Fiction genre and to appraise a science fiction text
Tell your talk partner what you remember about the features of science-fiction writing.
Read this story from a Year 6 pupil writing for a KS1 reader.
When you have finished, tell your talk partner
- what did you think of the story?
- what was your favourite part?
Take turns retelling the story to your talk partner using the adverbial starters to sequence the events in chronological order:
First of all
In the end
To be able to write decimal numbers.
Tuesday 25th February 2025
Demonstrate active reading strategies to engage with a text.
Tuesday 25th February
LC: Understand how stories might contain important truths and messages to learn from.
Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?
What stories do we know that contain important truths and messages?
What did we learn about how people might interpret the bible story of Adam and Eve?
- a) All Christians believe that the story is true.
- b) All Christians believe that the characters and events in the story are symbolic.
- c) Some Christians believe that the story is true while others believe it is symbolic.
- d) Nobody believes the story.
How does the language in this poem create a picture of the tiger?
Does the poet create a literal picture or a symbolic one?'
Some stories are viewed in a similar way. Stories might contain important truths in symbolic language.
In the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare, what qualities does the Tortoise represent? What qualities does the Hare represent?