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Monday 24th February




 Watch the video and enjoy!

Discuss with your talk partner what you saw. Have you seen anything like this before?

Let's watch again but this time, make notes on your whiteboard of what you see. 








Monday 24th February 2025

LC: Make predictions from details given or implied. Use active reading strategies.

Over the next few days we are going to be reading  this book as our focus text.

What kind of book do you think this is? What makes you think this?

Having looked at the front cover, are there any questions you would like to know the answers to?



Monday 24th February 2025

LC: Be able to find words quickly in a dictionary

The words in a dictionary are organised in alphabetical order. This means that we can locate them quickly.

Can you tell your friend what alphabetical order is?

How quickly can you find the first page of words starting with:

a            x             m              e           y            o

Which word comes first - chapter or captain?

Which word comes first - apple or avert?

Which word comes first - triedtired or taxi


Write each of these lists in alphabetical order

swimming rugby ballet hockey football tennis 

dark digger duck diet dog dance 

car cabin cabbage caterpillar cackle cat

Today is Emotional Health Awareness Day.

On 24th February 1997, an organisation called Family Links was established to encourage and teach nurturing and relationship skills through schools, families and the wider community. On this day, we are invited to think about our own emotional health and how we can support and develop it in others, whether in our family or in school.


​Take a moment to notice how you are today. What might “looking after myself well today” look like?

What sorts of things have a settling effect on you? Tell your friend your top 3 (e.g. going for a walk outside, having a long bath, chatting with a friend) - sharing ideas might help you both find more things that would work for you.

Think about any difficult feelings or unresolved issues that you carry around with you. Is it time to express them or let them go? Who can help you with this?

What might you do to nurture the important relationships in your life today, whether with family, friends or other children in school?

You might:

  • Make a plan to catch up properly with a good friend you haven’t seen for a while
  • Plan a fun activity with family or friends, or something you find nurturing for yourself
  • Listen really well to those around you today