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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Friday 28th February


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to invent sentences with an omitted relative pronoun.

1. Nurf, who was an alien, sat on Luke's bed. (with relative pronoun and commas to embed)

   Nurf, an alien, sat on Luke's bed.  (omitted relative pronoun and commas to embed)


2.  Luke's mum, who was angry at the  mess, shouted at Luke. (with relative pronoun and commas to embed)

    Luke's mum, angry at the mess, shouted at Luke. (omitted relative pronoun and commas to embed) 


Which two words are omitted from the second sentence?

What happens to the commas?

Talk to your partner and do the same for the sentences below: (don't forget the commas!)

1. Luke, who was surprised to find Nurf gone, picked up the note.

 Luke, ...................................................................................................................................................................................................


2. Nurf, who was a girl, came to see Luke.

   Nurf, ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 



LC: to explain the meaning of words within the context of the text


Have you seen these words before? Can you read them out loud?

Discuss their meaning with your talk partner.

As we read, highlight the words above in the text below.

What is happening in the text? Try and answer these questions with your talk partner:


How do we  work out the meaning of words we don't know? 

- read the sentence it is in

- look at the words before and after it

- read the sentence before and after

- think if it sounds like another word you know


Now try the strategies above to find the meaning of these words in the story below.






To be able to compare tenths and hundredths written as decimals.



LC: to research and describe land use in Brazil


Go to Seesaw to complete the quiz on your previous learning.

Think of your journey to school. 


When you look around, what do you see? What has the land been used for in this area? 

Tell your talk partner.

What do we mean by 'land use'

Click on the link to see if you are correct.

land use 

Think about what you know about Brazil.

What do you know about land use in Brazil?

Tell your talk partner.

Research the land use in Brazil by reading and making notes from the links. 

Use your own words!

Rural land use

Rural land use 2


Urban land use














LC: To create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in humans.  

Can we use our research skills to  create a timeline to identify the stages of growth in humans?


BBC Bitesize

The human life cycle