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Wednesday 12th February


LC: to create an effective plan for an independent recount using knowledge of planning models

Plan for your independent write.


 Choose to write your recount from the point of view of

- The Mad Hatter at the tea party

- The Queen of Hearts at the croquet match

- Alice at the croquet match





Wednesday 12th February 2025

LC: Make predictions based on details stated and implied.

Predicting means having a sensible guess at what could happen next or what has happened before.

Making a reasonable guess always depends on the context.

When you are making a prediction you will be thinking about:

the setting                    the type of text (genre)           the characters                             what has already happened             clues from the author

Read each part of the following text one by one. At the end of each, think about the clues in the text and make predictions.

Be careful - details can be very important when it comes to predictions, so read the text carefully before you start thinking.

Text 1

text 2

Text 3

Go through the following as a shared/talk partner activity

Read each piece of text and choose what you think is the most sensible prediction based on details stated and implied. Give reasons for your choices.

Now let's practise giving reasons for our choices.



LC: Know the basic techniques for dealing with common injuries and how to call for help.

By the end of this lesson you will:

Be able to give first aid to someone who is bleeding; 

Know when to seek medical help if required for a casualty who is bleeding. 

How to treat someone who is bleeding


Collective Worship

Saint Valentine