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Tuesday 4th February


Collective Worship

Picture News Children's Mental Health Week live assembly


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to use commas to clarify meaning

Add commas to these sentences to make their meaning clear.

1. I was so hungry that I ate three pizzas two garlic breads a plate of chips and a bowl of fries.

(commas to separate items in a list)

2. Let's bake mum!

(commas to make meaning clear)

3. My ipad which I got for a present last year has a black case.

(commas to separate a relative clause)

4. Before I leave for school I make sure I have everything I need. 

(commas to separate a subordinate and main clause)


LC: to create an effective plan for a recount

Today, we are going to begin our plan for a model write using a scene from 'Alice in Wonderland.'

Your teacher will use the first two pages of the story for her writing.

Watch how your teacher plans for her recount write by using the planning structure below.

Your turn!

Use the same planning structure but you will use the Caucus Race.


Pick out the main events of this scene then use them to plan your recount writing. 

Remember to include:












National Story Telling Week

Reimagine Your World

LC: Understand how writers change the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Let's find out how Tola Okogwu does this in Chapter 2

onyeka chapters 1 3.pdf

 Now listen to Tola explain how she takes one ordinary situation and builds this into her story to be the moment Onyeka discovers her superpower.

Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary

Think about the character you created – what situation might they find stressful in their ordinary life?

What problem occurs during this stressful moment for your character?

How does your character’s power reveal itself at that moment?

How does your character’s superpower save the day?


Onyeka’s powers are realised in the swimming pool. Let's look at the event again.

While in this stressful situation a problem occurs – her friend starts drowning in the water. This is the trigger for Onyeka’s superpower to reveal itself, as her hair saves her friend from drowning. Look at the way Tola uses senses to build an image for the reader. 

Now plan for your own event, including sensory descriptions to help the reader build the image.


Tuesday 4th February 2025

LC: To be able to reflect on my beliefs about miracles.

Believe and Care About game - where on the line will you stand?


I believe that dreams and wishes can come true.

I care about video games.

I believe in magical creatures.

I care about keeping my bedroom clean.

I believe that chocolate is the best sweet treat.

I care about getting lots of exercise every day.

I believe that learning to swim is hard.

I care about my toys.

I believe that we should take  care of our health.


Different people believe different things.

They are able to explain why they believe what they believe or don't believe.

Everyone is different and not everyone agrees with what other people believe. Is that okay? How should we respond to others whose beliefs are different to our own?

Now, in your groups, use your knowledge to prepare for a debate about miracles from different viewpoints.

The viewpoint may not be one you share, but what do you think someone with that viewpoint would argue?


  1. They did happen at the time of the Bible, but miracles don't happen any more.
  2. They can all be explained away by science; miracles do not happen.
  3. Miracles did happen in biblical times and still happen today.