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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Monday 3rd February


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to use commas to clarify meaning

Complete these sentences so that the meaning is clear. No more commas are needed!

1. I'm feeling tired, fed up and .....

(commas to separate items in a list)

2. Let's eat, ...

(commas to clarify meaning)

3. That man, who just fell off his bike, was ...

(commas to separate a relative clause)

LC: Analyse and evaluate diaries looking at language, structure and presentation


Tell your talk partner what you have learnt about the features of Recount Writing.

Look at your teacher's model text. 

What features from the Recount Checklist has she identified? 

    Now do the same for your recount text.  Annotate (make notes around and label) the features.

Can you find

- first person

- past tense verbs

- paragraphs

- events in chronological order

- details and description

- adverbials for time to link ideas

- fact and opinion

- character's thoughts and feelings?            






National Story Telling Week

This fantastic annual event is a joyful celebration of the power of sharing stories. Stories teach us about the world; they allow us to step into someone else’s shoes and feel empathy; they help us to relax and escape and they can help develop essential literacy skills.

Reimagine Your World

Whether it’s something unexpected on your way to school, odd sounds you hear at night, or a path you’ve never followed, the world around us is full of secret lives, places and possibilities. The most extraordinary story can come from the most ordinary place: it just needs someone to find it!

LC: Know what might inspire writers when they create characters.

Tola Okogwu is an award winning children's author. Among many other things, she has written a series of stories about a girl called Onyeka. We are going to explore the first story in the series:

Onyeka has a lot of hair – the kind that makes strangers stop in the street. When she makes the important discovery that she can control her hair with her mind, she's whisked off to the Academy of the Sun, a school in Nigeria where Solari – children with superpowers – are trained

But Onyeka and her new friends at the Academy soon have to put their powers to the test as they find themselves caught up in an epic battle . . . one that puts the future of all Solari at risk.

Let's read Chapter 1

onyeka chapters 1 3.pdf

Creating a character

Tola created Onyeka and her superpower by thinking of something that makes Onyeka unique and then turning it into a superpower!

Let's have a go at creating different characters by selecting different combinations of traits and superpowers from this table.

Your turn - use your imagination to create your own character with a unique combination of traits and superpower!


Collective Worship

This week is National Children's Mental Health Week.

The theme is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’.

Children's Mental Health Week


Think of some things that you can do well. For example, you may be able to ride a bike, you may be a good friend to someone, perhaps you are very quick at recalling number facts.

Now  think of a few things that you would like to do better, improve on or learn.

Now in groups, share your list of skills and the things you would like to improve.

What emotions do the different activities bring up. How does it make you feel when they pick up an activity really easily? What emotions do you experience when an activity is challenging?

Discuss how you might develop some of the things on you ‘things to improve list’. What might you need to do to make this happen? Who can help support you?