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Wednesday 29th January


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to understand the function of commas within a sentence


Watch the video to learn about how commas are used.

Tell your talk partner three things that commas are used for.

Can you think of a fourth?


LC: to read and respond to a range of recount texts


Teacher Diary Model

Watch your teacher read and annotate her recount text using the hand questions.

Diary 1

Diary 2

Diary 3

Diary 4

Diary 5

Diary 6










LC: To be able to multiply fractions by whole numbers.




Wednesday 29th January 2025

LC:  Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.

What do you think will happen next?

I predict . . . because . . . 


 What did you predict?

Now try this one independently.

What do you predict will happen next? Why? Write your prediction, giving your reasons.



Wednesday 29th January 2025

LC: To know when  it is right to keep a secret, when it is not and who to talk to about this.




Collective Worship

 Wednesday 29th January this year marks Chinese New Year.



This is a Chinese wish of hope for the future: 'May your happiness be as wide as the East Sea.'

Think about two things that you hope for this year for your friends and family  and two good things that you hope for for the world this year.