Friday 31st January
Grammar Warm Up
LC: to recognise when commas are used to clarify meaning
Read the sentences out loud with Kung-Fu punctuation to hear when the comma shows a pause.
1. Let's eat, Jack!
2. I like cooking, my family and my pets.
3. Before I leave for school, I check I have all my equipment.
LC: Analyse and evaluate diaries looking at language, structure and presentation
Let's read about how to create an effective recount text.
Make notes as you watch.
BBC Bitesize Recount Text
Let's create a Recount Checklist.
LC: To be able to multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers in multi-step word problems.
LC: to understand how the achievements of the ancient Mayans continue to influence us today
The Maya were advanced Mathematicians, using the number zero and place values. They were able to calculate extremely large numbers.
Their number system enabled them to make really accurate astronomical predictions and they traced movements of the sun, moon, stars and even planets like Mars!
In their number system, the ancient Maya used only three symbols to represent all the numbers.
A dot had a numerical value of 1.
A line (or bar) had a numerical value of 5.
A shell had the value of 0.
Watch the video about the Mayan number system and make notes.
Go to Seesaw to show your understanding of the Mayan number system.
Read about more Mayan inventions and add to your notes.
LC: To describe and explain the movement of the moon relative to the Earth.
- Describe what you see.
- How do you think the artist made this artwork? Did they use pencil, paint, collage, clay, or something else?
- What do you or don’t you like about this artwork?
- What science can you see in it?
- How is the painting like a starry night you’ve seen? How is it not like a starry night you’ve seen?
- What do you recognise above the line of the horizon?
- Is every yellow circle a star? How do you know?
Disciplinary concept - Researching using secondary sources.
Substantive concept - Making observations
What do you remember about the shape of the Earth?
Why is it that shape?
How does the Earth move?
Remember to use scientific vocabulary.
How are day and night created?
Watch the video.
BBC bitesize - The moon orbits the earth.