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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Tuesday 21st January



LC: to write an effective opening to a short narrative describing a scene and introducing characters 

You are going to write the first paragraph of the model write. 


Remember all the things we have learnt in this unit so far.






How can you make your writing effective and engaging for the reader?



Maths Lesson 1

LC: To be able to add unlike fractions, which create improper fractions, and mixed numbers that give rise to simplification. 

Maths Lesson 2

LC: To be able to subtract fractions with different denominators; to be able to subtract fractions from whole numbers. 





Tuesday 21st January 2024

LC: Evaluate how authors use figurative language, considering the impact on the reader.

Metaphor is the device that compares something directly with something else in order to create a resemblance. 

What is the impact on the reader of the metaphors below ? 

Life is a journey.

We are all in the same boat.

You had him in the palm of your hand.               

My knight in shining armour.

My memory is a little foggy.

Education is a gateway to success.



Tuesday 21st January 2025

LC: To know the importance for many Christians of believing in the possibility of miracles  and belief in the resurrection of Jesus.


Some Christians believe that when Jesus was killed, he rose again from the dead, and that this is the greatest miracle of all. The story of this is told in the Bible, and is known as the Resurrection of Jesus.




In the Bible, there is a story of Jesus healing Mary Magdalene. Because he saved her, she became one of his faithful followers.

What do you think her thoughts and feelings and words might have been at different points in the Easter Story?

Some Christians believe that miracles could and have occurred after biblical times, either by the power of belief in Jesus or in the name of Jesus, if it is part of God's bigger plan for the world. 

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