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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Monday 20th January



LC: to identify features of narrative writing and to use these in my planning 


Let's reread the tea party scene to help us with our planning for the model write.


Let's create a toolkit to use in our narrative writing.

What features does this kind of writing have?

Discuss with your partner.





Now use the toolkit to complete the final column of your planning table.







Monday 20th January 2024

LC: Evaluate how authors use figurative language, considering the impact on the reader.

Figurative language is the use of  words and ideas to suggest meaning and create mental images.

An example of this is the use of metaphors.

Metaphor is the device that compares something directly with something else in order to create a resemblance. 



Monday 15th. January 2024

LC: Spell words with silent letters.

Get a friend to read some of the words for you to write  - did you remember the silent letter? How can you help yourself remember for the next time you need to write the words?


Class Assembly

Martin Luther King Day takes place on the third Monday of January every year. It is a day of remembrance and celebration of the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an important figure in the American Civil Rights Movement.

This day honours Dr. King’s legacy in striving for equality, justice, and harmony for all, regardless of race. It’s not only a reflection on the strides made in civil rights but also a day to reaffirm the ongoing fight against racial injustice and to promote unity and understanding across communities. 

Let's learn more about Dr. King and reflect on his lasting legacy.

Martin Luther King