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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Thursday 9th January



Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify the function of adverbials in a sentence

Look at this paragraph about Ann at a party.

Put in the missing adverbials so that it is clearer for the reader:



________________________, Ann was enjoying the party. _______________________ some older boys arrived and started making a lot of noise and fighting! . ____________________________, the younger children got scared and some started to cry. _______________________ the teachers told the older boys to leave the party. __________________, once they were gone, everyone relaxed and enjoyed themselves.  


What is the purpose of the adverbials in this paragraph?


LC: to predict what might happen from information stated and implied


Let's read to page 21.



Write your predictions in your book.



Maths Lesson 1



Be inspired - let’s create.


Foreground, middle ground and background.


Creatively painting a space landscape.


Further development of skills, colour mixing and application. 




Maths Lesson 2