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Friday 10th January


 Grammar Warm Up

LC: to use adverbials to link and sequence ideas


 Talk about Alice falling down a hole at the start of the book. Use the adverbials to link your ideas:


At first, Alice was sitting by the river with her sister. Then ....


LC: To infer characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justify inferences with evidence

Complete the table using evidence from the text.



Use the ideas from the table to write a short paragraph about how Alice is feeling during this scene.


Use these adverbials and the adverbials  in the Grammar task to link your ideas:



LC: to sequence events of an ancient civilisation on a timeline using appropriate terms and dates accurately


Click below to read about the Ancient Mayans.


The Ancient Mayans

 As you watch the video, do the quiz!

Read the text below:

Talk to your partner  and answer these questions:

1. When did the Mayan civilisation begin?

2. When did it end? 

3. What was happening in Britain during these years?  


Complete the timeline on Seesaw.





LC: To describe the Sun, Earth and Moon (using the term spherical).  


Can we use our observational skills to describe the shape of the Sun, Earth and Moon? 



How can you sort the objects on your table?

Is there  only one way of sorting?

The Sun

The Earth

The Moon

Spherical bodies


What shape are the Earth, Sun and Moon?


On Seesaw take photos of the spherical and non-spherical shapes and place them in the appropriate box. 


Why are the Earth, Sun and Moon that shape?


In your own words write a paragraph explaining the shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon and why they are this shape.


Add any extra facts that you find interesting about the Earth, Sun and Moon.