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Wednesday 4th December


Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify structure of balanced discussion writing


Let's practise the oral text map.

Using the ideas from yesterday's discussion ping pong, complete the table with 3 ideas for and against the topic.

Add ideas for the introduction and conclusion.


Should children be allowed to wear their own clothes in school?




 Review 5


 LC : To join and combine sheet materials to form an appropriate purpose, design, and outcome.








What can we infer about Susan from the passage below? 

Susan looked up from the book she was reading and glanced round the crowded café. She had chosen it because of the large comfortable sofa tucked away in the corner where she could read but also watch the people entering the small shop. She came here once a week and liked to smell the coffee beans roasting, listen to the milk frothing and of course there was the mouth- watering selection of freshly baked cakes to choose from. Susan pulled down the sleeves of her worn shirt and, closing her book, headed to the counter. She waited until the lady with the large hat had moved away to a table and stepped forward. How much change did she have? Rummaging in her pocket she felt the smooth flat coins and tried to work out their value from their shape. She didn’t want to pull them out and people were watching her.

“Are you being served?” asked the girl behind the counter, sulkily rolling her eyes at Susan.

“Oh, er, no. I think I’ll have a glass of water please.” She muttered in response, her eyes looking longingly towards the cream cakes.

Now it's your turn to independently apply the skills you have learned. Remember to refer to the text - what clues does the writer give the reader?


Wednesday 4th December 2024

LC: To know that friendships have ups and downs and have strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile disagreements positively and safely.

No relationship is ever perfect and you’ll definitely have moments when minor disagreements will rise to the surface causing frustration with others.

Read each of these scenarios about relationship problems.

Choose one and use the questions to explore it in greater depth. 

Write a short letter to one of the people in your chosen scenario with some suggestions of what they could do to solve the problem. You can use the Resolving Conflict Strategies to help you.

Scenario 1

A group of friends are in the playground, practising a dance routine they have learnt. The six children are all from the same class. Emily has just finished her lunch and comes over to join in. Ava turns to Emily and says,

“You’re too late! You aren’t allowed to join in - go away!”

Emily is really upset and runs away; she sits on a bench on her own and starts to cry. The children carry on practising and ignore Emily. The bell rings for the end of lunchtime and Emily goes back into class, still feeling upset. Ava is laughing and says that she can’t be in the show anymore.

How do you think Emily feels when Ava tells her she can’t join in and that she has to go away?

Why do you think Ava said that to Emily?

Do you think Ava knows Emily will be upset? Why do you think this?

How do you think the other children will feel when they see Ava speaking to Emily like that?

Why do you think no one helps Emily?

Why do you think no one challenges Ava?

Scenario 2

Tim is nine years old. He attended Berklane School for two years before his mum and dad decided to move house to be nearer to their new jobs. When Tim arrived at Waterlane School for his first day, he was terrified of starting his new school. He didn’t know anyone, and he was worried that he wouldn’t fit in.

Tim’s teacher decided to ask someone in his class to act as a mentor or a ‘buddy’ to help Tim in his first few days.

Tim met his new buddy, George. George didn’t want to be Tim’s buddy. He thought that Tim was a bit weird. He didn’t like the way he dressed, he didn’t like his hairstyle and he didn’t like his shoes. He thought that Tim was a ‘geek’.

Tim knew what George thought about him and he could tell from his attitude that George didn’t like him. Tim didn’t want to approach George for help so he decided to manage without George’s help. The teacher asked Tim if George was being a good buddy. Tim said that he was because he didn’t want to get George into trouble.

George knew that Tim had lied for him and thought that he could use this to his advantage. He started to get Tim to do different things for him. Every time Tim decided to try and stand up for himself, George said he would make up stories about him and tell the others in the class. Tim didn’t want to risk this so he continued doing what George told him to do. Tim was unhappy. What could he do?

How do you think Tim felt when he arrived at the new school on his first day?

How do you think George felt when he discovered that he was going to be a buddy?

Why do you think George decided to treat Tim in this way?

Do you think Tim should have let George treat him like this?

What would you advise Tim to do?

If you saw someone treating a new person in your school like this, what would you do?

Scenario 3

How do you think Saffi feels when Mary gives her the friendship bracelet from her holidays?

 Why do you think Mary would be upset with Saffi for not giving her a friendship bracelet back?

 Do you think Mary has thought about Saffi’s feelings before she spoke?

Do you think Saffi should have said or done anything differently?

Do you think Mary is a good friend to Saffi?

Do you think that you should get a gift or present in return when you give someone something?

What do you think Saffi should do when Mary walks off?

Do you think Mary will feel disappointed in herself when she thinks about how she has treated her friend?

Do you think anyone should tell an adult what has happened?

Do you think anyone else who saw what happened should try and sort out the problem?

What could you do to make Saffi feel better?


Some strategies for helping to resolve conflicts in relationships.


 Collective Worship

the story of babushka.pdf


It is important to spend time doing the things we want to do.

We must also take time out to focus on the things that are really important in life. 

What is really important to you and how does it impact on your life?

How can we show respect to what others find important to them?