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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Tuesday 3rd December


Grammar Warm Up

Look at the linking phrases above. Use them to begin sentences about the positive and negative points about wearning school uniform.


Tell your talk partner:


Two reasons for wearing school uniform.

Two reasons against wearing school uniform. 


Each sentence should begin with a linking phrase.


LC: to identify balanced structure of discussion writing

 Let's practise the oral text map on the junk food discussion writing.


We are going to plan for the model write. 

You will be discussing:


Should children be allowed to wear their own clothes in school?


With your talk partner, decide who is FOR and who is AGAINST the topic.

Make notes on this topic and prepare for discussion ping pong!






Maths Lesson 1

 LC: To be able to read and interpret information presented on a line graph. 


Maths Lesson 2

 LC:  To be able to read and interpret information presented in a table.

        To be able to determine the relationships between data sets. 



Today you are going to complete a Star Reader Assessment to demonstrate the progress you have made in Reading this term.

Let's remind ourselves about the types of questions there are on the assessment and the strategies we need to use to be successful.

Remember you can be timed out, so do your best to establish the correct answer as quickly as you can. This doesn't mean guess or choose randomly!


Practice Questions:

Answering the questions:

Try each word in the sentence and choose the one that makes sense.

Usually two answers can be ruled out straight away, leaving you with two possibilities. Go back into the text and check which one it is.

Religious Education

Tuesday 2nd December 2024

LC: To know how the behaviour of Muslims is influenced by the Qur’an.

Independent task:

Use what you have learned and discussed to complete this.

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