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Thursday 5th December



Grammar Warm Up 

LC: to use linking phrases to introduce discussion points

Write sentences FOR and AGAINST school uniform beginning with the linking phrases:


Some people believe that..     Others argue ....  It is argued that ....   It seems that ....   An argument for ... A reason against 

LC: to note and develop ideas

Read the news reports on the topic of school uniform.

Make notes on some of the advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform.


bbc article.pdf


the week report.pdf




Maths Lesson 1

 Review 5

Maths Lesson 2

 What do you know about fractions?


BBC bitesize - fractions


Can you....

Count up and down in hundredths?

Write mixed numbers?

Show mixed numbers on a number line?

Find equivalent fractions?



 LC: To join and combine sheet materials to form an appropriate purpose, design, and outcome.