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Tuesday 26th November 


Grammar Warm Up



 LC: to read and respond to a range of non-fiction texts.

Let's do some more reading about this topic and gather notes.











Move around the Reading Carousel. 

As you read each text, 

make notes on the post-its of unknown words.

Note some ideas about mobile phones. 

What information have you learned from the reading texts?







Maths Lesson 1

 LC: To be able to read the information presented in a timetable and interpret its meaning.

Maths Lesson 2

LC:  To be able to read and respond to information presented in a table.



Tuesday 26th November 2024

LC: Make inferences based on clues in the text.

In the text below, highlight every phrase that tells the reader something about the traveller who arrives at the inn. Some may be literal and some may be inferred. You are hunting for clues that tell or hint at what he is like.

Now use use what you have found to write a short character  description of the traveller.




Tuesday 26th November 2024

LC: Explain how and why Muslims might commemorate the Night of Power. 



Task: Write some sentences that tell how important Laylat al Qadr is to Muslims and how they mark the occasion. Use the word bank below to help you.

Picture News

 Picture News