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 Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify the purpose of an apostrophe used for belonging and omission







LC: to justify responses to the text using point and evidence

Look back at Chapter 10 and Ahmet's presentation.

Find your questions for Ahmet that you wrote last week.

Did Ahmet's presentation help us find the answers?

Write your questions in the grid that you can now answer. 



Now use the answers to write a paragraph about Ahmet and his journey.




Ahmet is a refugee and he comes from Syria. 





 LC: To be able to find thousands, hundreds and tens in a 4-digit number.




LC: Predict what might happen from information stated and implied

Can you predict why the doctor has given Nuna clay to squeeze?

Can you predict any other activities that the doctor might ask Nuna to do to make her feel better?







LC: Explain the impact of believing that the Quran is the divine revelation

What is divine revelation?

Revelation PowerPoint

Click here

How does the belief that the Qur'an is a divine revelation impact the lives of Muslims? 

Here are some clues. 







Class Assembly

Let's take a look back at chapter 9 in the story of The boy at the back of the class, when Ahmet was given a pomegranate as a kind gesture from his friend.

What is the kindest thing someone has done for you?