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 Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify function of apostrophes for contractions



Read these sentences:

He didn't find his pen.

She can't come to the party.

They'll arrive later. 

                                                               Circle the apostrophe.


1. What is the job of the apostrophe in each sentence?

a) to add interest?

b) to show an exclamation?

c) to show a letter is missing?


Apostrophes are used to show that a longer word has been contracted (shortened) and so a letter is missing.


He did not find his pen. (did + not = didn't     the 'o' is missing and the apostrophe shows this)

She cannot come to the party. (can + not = can't     the 'no' is missing and the apostrophe shows this)

They will arrive later. (they + will = they'll     the 'wi' is missing and the apostrophe shows this)


LC: to justify responses to the text using the PE prompt (point + evidence)



 What would these characters say about the fight?

Try it out with your talk partner first then write 

a first person recount of the events.



Maths Lesson 1

 LC : To be able to multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number.


Maths Lesson 2

 LC: To multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number.



LC: Infer characters' feelings, thoughts, and motives from their actions and justify inferences with evidence

How is Nuna feeling? 

Why is Nuna feeling this way? 

Have you ever said yes to something that you do not want to do? How has it made you feel?

Can you infer what might be inside the doctors emotions toolkit?

Can you infer how the doctor might treat Nuna?






 What does respect mean to you?

We are going to role play some scenarios. 


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