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Monday 11th November


 Grammar Warm Up

LC: to identify function of apostrophes for contractions and belonging

 Read these sentences

My dad's car is red.

The dog's bowl is empty.

Ahmet's bag was red. 

Mrs Khan's hair was bouncy.


1.Circle the apostrophe

2. What job is the apostrophe doing in each sentence? Why is it there?

a) to look pretty?

b) to show that the something belongs to someone?

c) to show a letter is missing?


LC: to summarise the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph, identifying key details that support the main ideas






LC: Be able to spell the words on the Year 5 Word List.

First of all, let's check what words from the first card you can spell.

Which are the tricky parts?

How can you remember the correct spelling?

Share with your talk partner the strategies you use to help you remember how to spell words.

rhyme     determined     communicate     ancient     shoulder



Prepare a poem to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to an audience.


The poems below tell of the significance of poppies as a symbol of remembrance of those who died during wars.

What clues are there in poems that tell the reader how they should sound when read quietly to oneself or aloud?

With your partner, decide how  In Flanders Field should sound. Practise then record yourselves reading it out loud. Can you memorise it? 

Now let's listen to a reading of the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae (May 1915)



Class Assembly 

 Remembrance Day

  • Why is it important for people to remember those who served and died in wars?

  • Why is peace important?

  • Why do you think people continue to wear poppies over 100 years later?