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Monday 28th October



LC: to engage with ideas around a new reading text 




Monday 28th October 2024   

LC: To summarise main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph.

Little Pele couldn’t resist. He wasn’t always going to live in the favela selling papayas; he was going to be a professional footballer for his favourite team, Botafogo, or maybe somewhere in Europe, like Barcelona where his hero, Neymar, played. He couldn’t become a footballer without practising to get better. The papayas could wait, he thought. Football was far more important.  

 “To you, Gabriella!” Little Pele shouted as he scooped the ball up and volleyed it to his best friend. She controlled it on her thigh with her first touch and passed it to a teammate with her second. Gabriella was three years older than Little Pele and a really good player. When they were younger, Gabriella would look after him when his parents were out working. They would spend hours kicking an old football against a wall, practising their touch and technique; pretending to be the professional footballers that they so admired. Little Pele had loved those days. Playing football was so much better than trying to earn money. School was OK, and his parents were keen for him to get
an education, but he didn’t often go – especially when 
money was tight like it was now.          

Let's summarise these two paragraphs.

Now it's your turn.  Summarise the next part of the story. Can you do it using fewer than twenty five words?

He ran over to where an old coke can and a large rock were acting as goalposts. He carefully placed the crate of papayas behind the rock and skipped onto the pitch.  

“It’s the Vascos,” Gabriella whispered as he trotted past. “They’re Italy – don’t upset them this time!”   

Little Pele flashed a smile. “Just give me the ball,” he said, positioning himself on the right wing. The last time he had played against the Vasco gang his team won with a last-minute goal – scored by Little Pele! They weren’t happy and, to make things worse, he had stuck his tongue out to Dengar, Vasco’s gang leader and tough-tackling central defender. Gabriella had calmed the Vascos down that day, but Little Pele knew how people on the favela held a grudge.   

But he was quick. Dengar would have to catch him first!     

      To begin with, Little Pele found it hard to see anything. The sun shone brightly off white-washed buildings and sandy earth, dazzling his eyes and making it hard for him to pick out the ball. It was still swelteringly hot and he kept having to wipe the sweat from his face. 





Class Assembly

Are You a Good Friend?

What is a friend?

 A friend is someone who we care about and who cares about us; it is someone who we get on well with, laugh with and trust.

Let’s try this mini-quiz, which will help us to think about friendship.

Think about one of your friends and then answer these questions.

- Do you consider them to be a good friend?
- Do they make you feel good about yourself?
- Do you share values, beliefs or interests?
- Do you trust them and enjoy being in their company?
- Would they help you if you needed them?

If you answered yes for most of these questions, the person in question sounds like a good friend.


As well as having good friends, it’s also important to be a good friend. Here are some pointers to help us to become good friends.

- Use words to make your friends feel good. 

Good friends say nice things to each other and make each other feel good. Do we need to remind our friends that they are amazing?



Love the differences

Our friends will not have all the same interests or hobbies as we do. However, if our friends have different interests, we can still encourage and support each other. Being different is a gift!


Be a good listener

We must make sure that we listen to our friends rather than interrupting them. That might mean turning off our devices every now and then . . .


Support them

When our friends feel down or troubled, the best thing that we can do is try to help them feel better. Laughter can be the best medicine.

Be a trustworthy friend

Good friends are not judgmental, and they keep private information to themselves - no matter how tempting it may be to share it!

Be respectful


Perhaps we have said something that has upset our friends or maybe they have done something that has upset us. Close friends can talk about difficulties, forgive and still be great friends.
Spend time together


By giving our time to our friends, we show them that we want them to be a part of our lives. Imagine a friend walking off while we were talking to them. We would think that was really rude!

Time for reflection


Let’s take the time to think about what we can do to improve our friendships in school.


Maybe we could be more accepting of others, more encouraging to others, more welcoming into our friendship groups or more friendly during school clubs and activities.



Monday 28th October 2024

apparent          occur     

curiosity   cemetery   

secretary  forty

rhythm    leisure   twelfth   

amateur       bruise

equip        equipped      equipment


Test yourself using the look-say-cover-write-check method.

How many did you get right first time?

Which ones do you need to practise some more? What strategies do you use that help you?