Wednesday 19th March 2025
LC: To use notes to write an opening paragraph- What is Climate Change?
Using these determiners and key words, we will be constructing poems. We will orally practice these before writing them down.
ice caps
polar bears
Arctic fox
Teacher Model
A crisis in the Arctic
The polar ice caps are melting as the sea levels rise,
a world of flooded lands not hard to visualise,
in the Arctic in a decade from now there may not be any polar bears,
there may not be any arctic foxes,
and there may not be any whales,
some creatures are now on the endangered species list,
because so many of the ice sheets are adrift,
the warnings of environmental disasters by climate experts it would seem have been in vain,
Now is the time for us to make a change!

Teacher Model: What is Climate change?
Task: Using your notes from yesterday you will be writing your opening paragraph of your documentary by explain what is climate change. Remember to use the teacher model to guide you.
Prompts to help write paragraph 1:
What is climate change?
Clarify the difference between weather and climate,
carbon dioxide ,
green house gases,
ozone layer,
examples of extreme weather,
the most significant thing about climate change is that icecaps are melting and sea levels are rising.
climate change classroom presentation2021 1 1 .pdf
Wednesday 19th March 2025
LC: To reflect on making good food choices every day to protect the environment.
Do you know where the food you eat comes from?
We will be learning about some of the following topics
animal welfare
fair trade
food miles
fresh and processed food
Let's find out how far some of our food travels to reach our plates and think about whether this is always a good thing.
Did you know many fruits and vegetables cannot be grown in the UK because our climate is not suitable? Others can only be grown during the warm summer months or in a heated greenhouse. Use the Checklist below to find out where some of the most popular fruit and vegetables come from- this is usually written on the packet. Now you can use google maps to work the food mile- how many miles have they travelled to reach us. Which has travelled the farthest? This activity is on Seesaw where you can input the information to feedback to the class.