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LC- To write in hundredths.

Complete worksheet 4 pages 7 and 8.


Friday 7th March 2025

LC- Use a classification key to group, identify and name living things.



 What are classification keys?


A key is a set of questions about the characteristics of living things.


You can use a key to identify a living thing or decide which group it belongs to by answering the questions.

Can you think of a question to start sorting these living things?

  Let's look at a classification key about minibeasts and then I will ask you some questions to see if you can read it.

  Using the key above, answer the following questions.


 What does not have wings, lives in water and has tentacles?


 What has wings but no feathers and is an insect?


 Your turn. Answer these questions in your book. You do not need to write the question.


 1. What has wings and white feathers?

 2. What does not have wings, does not live in water and does not have stripes?

 3. What does not have wings, does live in water but does not have tentacles?


  Now write a question of your own for us to answer. 

   Finally, complete the task by following the key and sticking the living things in the correct boxes.