• Think about your character: what ordinary moment do they find stressful? Why is this particular moment stressful for them?
• What problem occurs during this stressful moment for your character?
• How does your character’s power reveal itself in this moment?
• How does your character’s superpower save the day?
Using senses for description:
Explore the moment that Onyeka’s powers are realised in the swimming pool (you might want to return to this moment in chapter two and read it again as a class). While in this stressful scenario, a problem occurs – her friend starts drowning in the water. This is the trigger moment for Onyeka’s superpower to reveal itself, as her hair saves her friend from drowning. Look at the way Tọlá uses senses to build an image for the reader. Explore the example sense' based descriptions below. Invite pupils to consider their favourite words or phrases.
Wednesday 5th February 2025.
LC: To write a non- chronological report- independent write.
You will be completing your leaflet on The Lives of Anglo-Saxons in Britain.
LC- To simplify fractions.
Wednesday 5th February 2025
LC: To explain how everyday health and hygiene rules and routines help people stay safe and healthy.
Governments should make sure children can get good quality health care.
Governments should make sure children have nutritious food and a clean environment so they can stay healthy.
Article 24 of the UNCRC says that healthcare for children and young people should be as good as possible, and also goes further than this by saying children and young people have the right to be both physically and mentally fulfilled.
Among other things, this implies that children and young people:
should have good enough nourishment from their food
should be able to live in a safe and healthy environment
shouldn’t be in danger at work.
Article 24 also says that children and young people have a right to information about their health. They should have a say in how they get this and be able to say what they like and dislike about the information they get.