Expanded Noun Phrases
Tuesday 4th February 2025
LC: To create a character.
Who are some of your favourite characters from stories you’ve read? Why are they your favourite?
Onyeka’s unique trait and superpower is her hair. What makes you unique? This could be a physical trait, a skill or a personality trait. Can you think of a way to turn it into a superpower?
3. Warm-up free write:
You have three-minutes timer to write for the whole time without stopping, writing down whatever comes to mind!
Use the writing prompt below to start.
Writing prompt: If I could have a superpower, it would be…
• There is no right or wrong answer – anything goes!
• Don’t stop! You can write the same word over and over, if you get stuck, until something else comes to your mind.
• You don’t need to worry about getting spelling, punctuation or grammar right.
Tọlá created Onyeka and her superpower by thinking of something that makes Onyeka unique and then turning it into a superpower!
1. What is Onyeka’s unique trait? (Her hair)
2. What is Onyeka’s connected superpower? (Psychokinesis - the ability to control her hair with her mind)
In your talk partner discuss your own ideas for a character.
Now let's use the prompts below to create our own character:
Present your character to your table:
• My character’s unique trait is… because…
• My character’s superpower is… because…
• My character’s stressful situation is going to be… because….
Tuesday 4th February 2025
LC: To write a non-chronological report including a glossary.
Continue writing your leaflet on the daily lives of Anglo- Saxon's in Britain.
LC- To fond equivalent fractions.
What does the word equivalent mean?
Can you think of any fractions from yesterday that were equivalent?
Have a look at the fraction wall and in pairs find some more equivalent fractions.
Complete lesson 5 pages 181-182
Tuesday 4th February 2025
What are our own values and commitments and how do we show this?
On our first lesson of this unit we looked at the definition of commitment and we discussed how some Muslims are committed to their faith (Islam) through implementing the five pillars of Islam.
A value is something that you believe is important in your life.
A commitment is making a promise to yourself. It is to give your time and effort to something even though it might not always be easy.
Reflection: think about your learning from this unit of work and answer the questions below in your book.
What are your own values and commitments and how do you show this?
My values are
My commitments are
I show this by
How can these values and commitments help us to live a good life?
These values and commitments help me to live a good life because
To encourage a caring attitude towards others.
- Discuss what we mean by our neighbours. We tend to think of neighbours as the people who live next door to us, but they could be the people we meet, or the people we sit next to, or even the people we meet on our way to school.
- We all have neighbours. Many of us live in an area where houses are grouped together, but do we always know our neighbours?
- Moving into a new neighbourhood can be a difficult experience, particularly if it is somewhere where you don't know anyone and have no friends. Many of the children will have some experience of this.
- Can you remember your first day at school? No doubt some of you will remember how nervous and unsure you felt. But if they are made to feel welcome, friendships are soon formed and school becomes an enjoyable place.
- Unfortunately, there are people who do not have any friendly neighbours to give them a helping hand. But there are organizations that have been formed to help to improve these situations. Groups like Meals on Wheels, people who are home helps, and who shop for those who are housebound, district nurses, carers, the Salvation Army, etc. Some of these are volunteers who get no payment for what they do.
- Jesus said, 'Love your neighbour as yourself,' and he tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Read either the Good Samaritan story from Luke 10.29-37, or the following story:
Mrs Pink was an elderly lady who lived all alone. She was always moaning about the people next door. They were called the Silver family. The children could sometimes be very noisy. They would throw things over her fence, which annoyed her intensely. She became so cross at times that it developed into quite a game for the children and they did it even more, just to annoy her.
On the other side of Mrs Pink lived the Green family. They had a large house and plenty of money. They went in to see Mrs Pink from time to time and she gave them homemade jam, cakes, flowers, and fruit and vegetables from her garden.
Across the road lived Mr and Mrs Grey. They were hardly ever at home because they both had very important jobs in the city and were always busy.
Early one morning, when Mrs Pink was picking some vegetables in her garden she tripped and fell. She found that she was unable to get up. As she lay there she called out to try and attract someone's attention.
The Green family heard her shouts but did not want to get involved so pretended not to hear her. They felt someone else would come to her aid.
Mr and Mrs Grey were just leaving for work and were late as usual. They drove off pretending not to have heard the cries and didn't feel they had time to help.
But Mrs Silver saw what was happening from her bedroom window. In no time at all she was at the old lady's side helping and reassuring her. Her children, too, played their part and stayed to help even though they should have been going to catch the bus for school. They were all genuinely concerned for Mrs Pink. Following their mother's instructions, one rang for the ambulance, while another fetched a blanket to keep the old lady warm.
Mrs Pink was soon taken to Casualty. After an X-ray had been taken it was revealed that she had broken her leg. She had to stay in hospital for several days. The Silver family visited her every day.
Mrs Green and Mrs Grey sent Get Well cards but did not go to see her.
When Mrs Pink returned home Mrs Silver and her children continued to visit and help her. Mrs Pink no longer moaned about the noise, and enjoyed hearing the children playing in the garden. They in turn grew to like and respect her, and had no cause to annoy her. They all became good friends. Mrs Pink realized just how wrong her judgement had been. Now she really knew her neighbours.
Time for reflection
Dear God,
Let us try to be thoughtful in whatever we do.
Teach us to be helpful and supportive to others.
Help us to help others,
not for the reward it brings
but because we know we are doing the right thing.
(This part could be displayed so that everyone can say it together.)
Lord of the loving heart, may mine be loving too.
Lord of the gentle hands, may mine be gentle too.
Lord of the willing feet, may mine be willing too.
So may I grow more like you in all I say and do.
Today I will try to be thoughtful in whatever I do, to be helpful and supportive to others.