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Noun phrases: 

Read through information below:

A simple noun phrase is a group of words, including a noun, that form part of a sentence. The noun is the main word in the phrase and other words give information about it. For example:

  • a cat
  • his toy
  • those shoes
  • the house
  • two children

The examples above all contain a determiner and a noun to make a noun phrase. Most noun phrases contain a determiner. In the sentence below, the noun phrase is shown in bold:

Bring your children with you.

What Is an Expanded Noun Phrase?

In an expanded noun phrase, other words and phrases are used to give further information about the noun in the sentence. This is usually done by adding adjectives to describe the noun in the noun phrase, for example:

She walked through the darkmysterious forest.

In the example above, the expanded noun phrase is ‘the dark, mysterious forest’, the words ‘dark’ and ‘mysterious’ have been used to expand the noun phrase. They make writing more interesting as they help the reader to build an image in their mind.

Another noun can also be used to create an expanded noun phrase by giving more detail about the noun, such as:

  • a teacher = a maths teacher
  • a house = a country house
  • two trees = two pine trees
  • a ship = a pirate ship


Monday 3rd February 2025

LC: To write a non-chronological report including a glossary.

Using your planning write a leaflet which informs your audience about Anglo- Saxon life in Britain. 

Monday 3rds February 2025

LC: To infer a character's thoughts, feelings and actions. 

KS2 storytelling workshop with Tọlá Okogwu


LC: To be able to find equivalent fractions.

 Look at the following question. What do you notice?

What is the same and what is different?

Can you see any links with multiplication and division?


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