Take a screen shot of this problem and use the mark-up tool to fill in the circles.
R: Where can you find dunes?
I: Which words or phrases in this text give us the impression that the atmosphere is strange and unpleasant?
C: Why do you think the author chose to use the word fierce to describe the land?
Wednesday 29th January 2025
LC: To draw inferences around characters’ feelings and justify with evidence from the text using point and evidence.
When things aren’t explained literally in a text, you can use clues to reach a logical conclusion. This is called inference.
Teacher model:
Why does Alice feel tired if she is doing nothing?
Your turn: Read the text again and then answers questions on the character's feelings.
1. If Alice couldn’t stop herself from tumbling down the hole, how do you think she felt as she began her fall?
2. Alice says that a hot day makes you feel stupid. Do you agree with her? Explain your opinion.
Wednesday 29th January 2025
LC: To write a non-chronological report including a glossary- modelled write.
Using the Success criteria to write a glossary, complete your glossary for your leaflet.
LC: To be able to count in hundredths.
Wednesday 29th January 2025
LC: To explain how bacteria and viruses affect your health.
Talk partners: Can you remember the names of any illnesses that are caused by bacteria or viruses? What was the doctor's advice?
Discuss with your partner and answer the challenge on the post-it provided:
Take a screenshot of the next picture. Use the edit tool to draw lines between the key vocabulary and the description. Upload your picture to Seesaw and save in your PSHCE folder.
What are the differences between bacteria and viruses and how can they harm us?
Shared reading:
What is a single bacteria called?
Where can bacteria be found?
How can some bacteria be helpful?
Why is it important to brush your teeth twice a day?
When should you wash your hands? (Write a list on the soap bottle provided)
True or false: a virus can survive on its own for a long time.
How do viruses enter the human body of a healthy person?
What is the phone number you can call for non-emergency medical help?
Why is it important to stay away from others if you have a virus?