Write down three question you could ask these children to find out more information about their day at the beach.
Remember to punctuate each sentence correctly.
R: Where is the narrator of this story?
I: Did the narrator mean for this to happen? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
C:What story do you know that has a similar theme?
Tuesday 28th January 2025
LC: To retrieve key information about Anglo- Saxon laws.
In the early Anglo-Saxon period, local villages had their own rules for keeping peace and punishing crimes. People were allowed to get their own revenge. This led to a lot of unrest. This led to the idea of the king’s peace; the idea that it was the king’s responsibility to maintain law and order. This was done through fines (paying money) and punishments. It was still believed though that the community could help keep peace and help punish the wrong doers. If there was not enough evidence to decide on a person’s guilt, the Church authorities could try the suspect in a ‘trial by ordeal’. This put the suspect through a painful ordeal and then wait and see how God reacted to their ordeal.
Some of the punishments included:
Death - Treason - hanging
Arson - hanging
Deterrent (to put you off) Theft - maiming
Public disorder - stocks
A severe punishment Murder - Weregild
Task: carefully read through the information and retrieve key information about Anglo- Saxon laws, crimes and how criminals were punished. Remember we will be using these notes for our non- chronological reports.
Adapted learning:
Listen carefully to the text being read and write down five points about Anglo- Saxon laws, crimes and how criminals were punished.
Tuesday 28th January 2025
LC: To use subject specific vocabulary and factual information.
Using our success criteria on the learning wall we will be writing our section 4 of our non-chronological report.
LC: To be able to draw and read line graphs.
Talk partners: what do we already know about about line graphs?
Remember a line graph shows a trend in data over a period of time.
Talk partners: how would you organise the information below before drawing the graph?
Model plotting the graph using suggestions from the class.
How should we label the axes?
What trends are clear from the data?
Is it as you would expect? Why or why not?
What was the approximate volume of the water after 30 minutes?
After how many minutes was the volume at 0 litres?
Let's learn:
Tuesday 28th January 2025
Investigate the celebrations involved with Eid al-Fitr.
KS2 Religious Studies: Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr - BBC Teach
Discuss the feelings that a Muslim who has fasted may have at the end of Ramadhan and why they would want to celebrate this.
In your own words describe what Muslims typically do during Eid al- Fitr and why the Muslims want to celebrate Eid after fasting all month.
Times and seasons
To help the children towards a simple understanding of the meaning of 'there is a time and season for everything in life'.
- Has anyone had a baby brother or sister in the last year?
- Babies like knocking things down! Check with the children that this is true in their experience.
- In the Bible, in a very old book with a funny name, Ecclesiastes, the writer says that there is a time and season for everything in life:
There is a time to plant … and a time to dig up.
There is a time to keep … and a time to throw away.
There is a time to be silent … and a time to speak.
There is a time to build ... and a time to tear down! - Talk about appropriate observations from school, giving examples of how different behaviour, attitudes, games and lessons are right for different ages. Even in school there is a time for one type of thing and a time for another. This is true during the school day: there is a time to arrive, a time to play, a time to work, a time to eat lunch, and so on.
Time for reflection
There is a time for quiet and a time for noise.
There is a time for work and a time for play.
There is a time to be serious and a time to have fun.
There is a time to work on your own and a time to work with other people.
There is a time to listen and a time to talk.
There is a time to take out and a time to put away.
There is a time to say yes and a time to say no.
There is a time to say hello and a time to say goodbye.
Dear God,
Thank you that you know the times and seasons of our lives.
Thank you for each new day and for each new opportunity.
Help us to make the most of each one.
Amen/ Ameen.