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Find and edit the mistakes. 

Today, we are goin to the circus. I am so excited to see the tightrope walkers and trapeze artists! i bet it would be scary being uup so high Mi brother just wants to see teh elephants. they’re his favourite animal Have you ever been to the circus What would yuo most like to see?

Thursday 23rd January 2025

LC: To write the title page for a non-chronological report- Modelled write. 

Together we will be writing a success criteria for our title page. 


Our Introduction needs: 






Task: Using the teacher model, success criteria and your planning, you will now write your title page. 


LC: To be able to draw and read pictograms and bar graphs. 


Thursday 23rd January 2025

LC: To understand what Anglo- Saxon life was like in Britain.


What was the daily life like of an Anglo- Saxon?


What was a Anglo- Saxon village like? 


What kind of jobs did Anglo- Saxons do? 


What kind of clothes did the Anglo- Saxons wear?


We will be using a range of sources to research these questions.


BBC Two - Primary History, Time Lines, Time Lines: Children, Ordinary families in Anglo-Saxon times

What was life like in Anglo-Saxon England? - The Anglo Saxons - KS3 History - homework help for year 7, 8 and 9. - BBC Bitesize

KS2 History: Anglo-Saxon village life and work - BBC Teach