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Monday 20th January 2025

LC: To undertake research from a variety of texts.





It is your turn today. Think about what we have learned about determiners and complete the following tasks in your books. 


1. Write out the sentence and circle ALL the determiners.

Hamza lives in a new house in Grantham with his chinchilla and two dogs.


2. Circle All the determiners in the sentence below.

Keren put two bowls of food and one dish of water down for the cats.


3. Write the correct determiner in each sentence.

                     each     many     one


___________        person had a ticket.

The room was full; _________people had come to watch the play.

I only have _________sweet left.


We have already  started to make notes on Roman children and their education.

Today, we are going to complete another section of our spider plan .


Leisure time/ What did they play with? 


Use the following links to help you find the information.

We will watch the first one together.


BBC Two - See You See Me, Romans in Scotland 2, What toys and games were played in Roman times?

Children of Ancient Rome | Ancient Roman Kids

Roman Toys - History for kids



The Lighthouse


Before he pushed the loaded supply boat out into the sound, he turned his back to the wind, reached into his waistcoat pocket and delicately drew out a folded square of paper. He re-read the copper-plate writing that was so familiar. "Thy way is in the sea, and my path in the great waters." He read the words slowly and deliberately and, although he was not religious, the message carried some deeper significance which was not clear to him. He returned the paper back into his pocket, repeated the words in his mind, and pushed the bow of the boat seaward.

The lighthouse defiantly stood proud of the jagged rocks; a broken jaw of granite. He was always met by the three keepers who stood unwavering in any weather; the sealskin collars on their coats were drawn up to their chins.


R: What was written on the folded piece of paper? 

I: Why did he repeat the words in his mind? 

C: What do you think the word unwavering means?


Monday 20th January 2025

LC: To understand when a text does not make sense. 


When check your work, you read what you have written carefully and look out for any mistakes.

Mistakes can be things like:

  • missing or extra punctuation
  • spelling mistakes
  • incorrect tenses
  • missing or extra words

    Teacher model: 

    One morning a little little girl wearing a red cape decided to visit her sick Grandma she packed a baskit of cackes and started walking through the woods. The little girl stoped to look at the flowers on the way and singing to to herself.

    Your turn: Read through the sentences and check which sentences do not make sense, where the break down is in the sentence and the paragraph and correct. You can annotate on the sheet. This is what you should be doing in your own writing all the time. 

    Amir likes to play with all the other boys in his class. She really likes weekends when they can organise a day out. The boys decided that on Saturday, they wood go to the cinema and get a pizza on the way home. So, when Tuesday finally arrived, Amir jumped into bed and cleaned his teeth. He could wait to see his friends. The boyshad arranged to meet outside the cinema at 11.00am. It was a lovely summers day with the moon shining brightly. It was a shame to be inside but they wanted to see the film. Once the film was started, they were very hungry so slowly hurried to the take away to get their burgers.

Possessive apostrophe with singular proper nouns. 

What can you remember about using an apostrophe from last week's lesson?



What happens if the noun ends with an s 






In pair's have a go at using the cards below to make some sentences using a possessive apostrophe. 





LC: To be able to divide 3-digit numbers with a remainder.